
YouTube Lawyer Stans Come for Me! / Mentour Lawyer Advocates for Sarah Boone


#YouTube #Lawyer #Stans #Mentour #Lawyer #Advocates #Sarah #Boone

Uh oh! YouTube Lawyer Stans are coming for me after Mentour Lawyer advocates for Sarah Boone. Watch the drama unfold in this video!
YouTube Lawyer Stans Come for Me! / Mentour Lawyer Advocates for Sarah Boone
lawyers near me , YouTube Lawyer Stans Come for Me! / Mentour Lawyer Advocates for Sarah Boone


36 thoughts on “YouTube Lawyer Stans Come for Me! / Mentour Lawyer Advocates for Sarah Boone”

  1. Congrats on getting more interest in your channel. The ML guy is clearly acting out of financial interest (extra views/paid viewership). Hiding behind a paywall IMHO.

  2. So there are new postings on the clerks website, and once again there are “lawyer” visits 2 or 3 x in Aug. I think he’s “helping” her and it ticks me off

  3. I followed him for maybe a week. I quickly changed that after seeing his “skit” and have to pay to watch videos. I’m not surprised that he is in contact with Sarah. They seem to have a lot in common.

  4. I love dr berry too…i had a dream team Boone update collaboration show : you, dr berry, Laurie Reece, Lawyer you know. SKR & Transparent Tea. .i can dream right? Cause i cant seem to look away and stop Booning

  5. That video was just clickbait one of the first things he said was that he gave her privileged and he wasn't going to discuss anything they talked about. In the comments so many people said that they were unsubscribing to his channel because of that video

  6. I wonder if he was the lawyer the Sarah wanted to have as her stand-by lawyer during the trial, but the judge shut that down. Sarah never said who she wanted to have as her helper-lawyer during the trial, but I will bet it will turn out to be this Mentour lawyer. Alledgedly, LOL!

  7. I’ll say it – he’s a bit weird. how he follows the adelson case for ten years is really bizarre . now jumps on Sarah’s case . Clearly he has no clients of own to work .

  8. Sarah has the ability to get counsel, just not a state appointed one. If ML thinks she should have a lawyer, he should do it. He is just upset people didn't like his actions – but go all the way, defend suitcase Sarah and become her laywer. If you truly believe she deserves one, be her hero. Unless you're just doing it for clout…

  9. He would have to put in a written “appearance as Sarah’s “ attorney first and no he would not be able to write anything about Sarah.

  10. He used super poor judgement.
    Plus he gave her terrible advice.
    It's also an insult to Jorge's family.

  11. I like your channel. Sarah is a trip.she deserves the max with time tacked on for being a pain in the posterior

  12. He was making comments about feeling sorry for Sarah awhile ago. I unsubbed them. I'm not surprised this has happened!

  13. Mentour Lawyer inserted himself into the case. Super weird. I don't know why anyone would voluntarily involve themselves in her case. Nothing good will come of it. I appreciate your content, Tanika. Keep doing what you're doing. ❤

  14. See…even well educated persons , like say an ATTORNEY, can and will pull attention getting behaviours. Jeez

  15. OK – here's the thing – everyone is innocent until proven guilty – as she's not been proven guilty, then we have to see her as innocent. As such, yes, she technically deserves a lawyer.

    As she doesn't have one, then she must have the full support of the Jail to give her access for the preparation for the trial – and again, she isn't getting that either – half charged/not charged laptop is inexcusable.

    The discussion about how many defence attorneys are "allowed" is one that needs to be addressed – it's only ever when something like this comes up that these things are addressed – no-one has ever done this before! So one can argue that the constitution said "one will be provided for you" – to me, that means ONE, singular, only that person – get on with them (unless death/illness/etc etc of course)

    The mentor attorney could quite easily offer to be pro bono – and if he's quite so determined, then I would say that he could do that and provide her with an experienced paralegal. He's quite quick to say "not me" – which rather stinks of hypocrisy!

    Do I wish she had one – hell yes, the trial is going to be a nightmare and the poor witnesses are going to be in for a rough ride – I know for sure that the Judge is going to have a serious line to keep her in track, but a) he shouldn't need to and b) words hurt and she'll use them to hurt them on purpose.

    Do I think she's guilty – well yes, of course! I am seriously disgusted with this law that says you don't have to help someone in trouble – that's horrendous – but leaving someone in a suitcase is horrendous – and even if she was "being battered" then once he's in the suitcase – then call the cops, she wasn't shy of doing that!

    I am not surprised that, after 3 warnings by 3 Judges, she was determined to be unreasonable and to have any further lawyers refused – especially with the letters she wrote demanding her way – but on overall consideration – I would rather that she had one than not – if only because of the above behaviour towards the witnesses and because a 3/4 day trial is now going to waste Court time over 3 weeks – and that includes the poor ruddy Jury ….!

  16. The video's attorney needs a greasepaint crayon and fill in his Groucho mustache better. I was shocked – SHOCKED – that her want-ad poster didn't include a 2-inch footer with her phone number across half-inch tear-off slices. She could post those to all the telephone poles she walks past.

  17. But for what is now an empty Suitcase with bloodstains, Sarah has no case. That's why she's writing inane motions and focusing on things that do not matter. She probably demanded her prior lawyers do the same. Remember her complaint that Cashman wouldn't "even" try to again seek bail? Bail? What? You've got a trial coming up in a few months, you've already been denied bail, and you're not getting bail. Let's focus on what matters: the guilt phase of your trial, Sarah.

    If a YouTube lawyer wants to meet with Sarah Boone, more power to him. I don't think that people should react one way or another to this Mentor Lawyer guy. Him hiding his video after the fact demonstrates that he's not very bright. Someone out there is bound to have recorded it for replay (as happened).

    His fees for membership seem steep.

    Sarah Boone is definitely an IDIOT for not wanting to meet with every weirdo claiming to be a lawyer considering her "Help Wanted" ad.

    I do love Tanika's break room scene. It smells like someone's got fish goin' in the microwave, and please close that refrigerator door. It smells like a microbiology lab in there.

  18. I stopped following ML because he became a complete drama llama after the Charlie Adelson verdict and was like lashing out at everyone (other creators covering the same stuff) accusing people of copying him or whatever. Idk if it was true or not but it was just obnoxious to have it turn into a stream of mainly grievances.

    Not you.

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