
Young Thug’s defense lawyer held in contempt, placed in custody | FOX 5 News


#Young #Thugs #defense #lawyer #held #contempt #custody #FOX #News

The incident unfolded after Steel, who is one of the attorneys for Jeffery Williams (Young Thug), approached the bench following the lunch recess, revealing his knowledge of an ex parte conversation that took place before court on Monday morning.

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lawyers near me , Young Thug’s defense lawyer held in contempt, placed in custody | FOX 5 News


21 thoughts on “Young Thug’s defense lawyer held in contempt, placed in custody | FOX 5 News”

  1. The court can't have talked with a witness this is ridiculous the judge needs investigated

  2. This is how we know that Steel is "grasping at straws" to try to win this case. He's not even considering the possibility that the reason why the judge and the state are being so secret and protective of Woody could be because he's been threatened by somebody who told him not to testify. And we know that he's not considering this possibility because in this video he says himself that he doesn't know the reason why they're being so protective. This dude is an airhead and he's "grasping at straws" to try to win this case or get this case reviewed by an appellate court upon a conviction, by any means necessary because his case against the state is pathetic. A good lawyer wins cases using good argumentation and good evidence. Not using technicalities and dirty tactics like talking about the legal ex parte conversations of a judge in front of a crowd, conversations that they don't even understand or know why they happened.

  3. Anyone know that judges homes address? If so PLEASE POST IT HERE !!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    Definitely needs to be taught a lesson!

  4. The judge had nothing to say, all he wanted to know was who told him about the meeting. Thats very fishy

  5. Why do I get the feeling nobody will be held accountable for this blatant display of corruption? I have no love for the defendant but this judge should be thrown off the bench and stripped of his license. This is utterly ridiculous and an embarrassment to the judicial system as a whole.

  6. The judge was wrong in so many ways! He will be investigated for judicial misconduct. He violated the Defendant's constitutional rights by meeting secretly with a witness & the prosecutor in chambers without telling the defense. Defense has a right to be present for all actions pertaining to their case. The judge was intimidating the witness to testify.

  7. You people don't understand how serious this is. It needs to be investigated by the BAR. You cannot talk to a witness that was sworn in if you're a judge or DA without his lawyer present. That should NEVER happen. A new judge needs to be appointed, that meeting should be enough to call for a mistrial.

  8. Incompetent judge. Supposed to be impartial but will do anything for the prosecution. No respect for the Constitution because he's never read it and wouldn't understand it if he ever did. Typical Atlanta. Elevate the dumbest blowhards and then you're surprised when it's all just a joke and a bad soap opera and a shambles. Sickening.

  9. The judge didn't want to give up the transcript..Now tell me something, not right…Judge needs to go!!!!!

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