
You might have a warrant.@Newsnow303


You might have a warrant.@Newsnow303


Wow crazy how power motive these cops are. they think you have to prove that your working. These are not the type of cops I want working for me.
criminal law , You might have a warrant.@Newsnow303, cops,tyrant,long island audit,audit the audit,lackluster,auditing america,audit,right

35 thoughts on “You might have a warrant.@Newsnow303”

  1. Cops often "Break the Laws" more than Criminals, and much more than "Innocent Civilians"! Cops often Break the Law seemingly as a "Power Play" as a Revenge against Citizens trying to keep their Rights from being Violated, with the Cops fully knowing they will almost never pay a "Fine" or do "Jail Time", so they "Walk All Over" the Citizens's Rights. If the Citizens do not try to maintain their Rights, the USA will Evolve into becoming a "Police State"!

  2. Ask that police officer to show you his drivers license and when he refuses, place that police officer under citizens arrest and call 911 to endorce the citizens arrest. Defund that police department and the police academy that let him graduate. Stophiring high school dropouts to wear a police costume.

  3. Willful ignorance of the law to override your 4th amendment rights. They are trained to stomp on your civil rights .

  4. Nope, I'm not waiting for a suspicious person to kidnap my daughter or break into my home or to rape my wife. I wouldn't of called the cops on ya, I just would had my two rottweilers deal with ya. There's NO reason REAL GROWN man to be walking around recording mine or neighbors houses, so in interest of safety to my family ya would deal with me n my rotts then I guarantee you'll need police help.

  5. dude forgot he’s in a car and someone called about him. When a call comes in they are required to investigate. once a call is placed they have the lawful requirement and responsibility to identify whoever called and whoever the person was they called about. Also acting suspicious IS a reasonable reason to request ID. many states have passed stop-and-identify laws, which permit a law enforcement officer to stop a person suspected of criminal behavior and ask for identification. Failure by the person stopped to respond is a violation of the law and can lead to arrest and criminal charges.

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