
YOU HAVE TO LEAVE! Dumb Cops Get Owned And Dismissed! ID Refusal Walk Of Shame


YOU HAVE TO LEAVE! Dumb Cops Get Owned And Dismissed! ID Refusal Walk Of Shame

#LEAVE #Dumb #Cops #Owned #Dismissed #Refusal #Walk #Shame

YOU HAVE TO LEAVE! Dumb Cops Get Owned And Dismissed! ID Refusal Walk Of Shame

With this channel, I hope to provide value to the community by providing my commentary and ideas over the top of videos that have been released online. You may find unique reactions to audit clips, civilians owning cops, ID refusals, I don’t answer questions, police corruption, dirty cops, and much more!

Don’t forget to support the channel to help these videos get out there that show the police corruption and how many dirty, tyrant cops we have receiving and taking money from the taxpayers!
Help spread these videos to bring awareness to the people so that they know how to defend themselves from tyrant cops and help end police misconduct.

Indiana News –

Fair Use Notice This video may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review, and news reporting, which constitute the fair use of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work for purposes such as criticism, comment, review, and news reporting is not an infringement of copyright.

#police #cops #LEO #idrefusal #copgetsowned #firstamendmentaudits #copdismissed #rookiecop #policeharassment #dismissed #4thAmendment #copwatch #Trespassing #Dismissed #copdismissed #rookiecops #1aAudit #Cop #Police #copsowned #1stamendmentaudit #Trespassing #4thamendment #5thamendment #walkofshame #1aAudits #Tyrants #Tyranny #copwatcher #CopsGetOwned #CopsGettingOwned #lawenforcement
criminal law , YOU HAVE TO LEAVE! Dumb Cops Get Owned And Dismissed! ID Refusal Walk Of Shame, first amendment audit,1st amendment audit,audits,copwatch,cops,police interactions,police videos,cops v citizens,police v citizens,best audits,cops gets owned,police gets owned,tyrant alert,tyrant gets owned,cops get educated,audit,1a audit,city,employee,intimidation fail,cops retaliation,police retaliate,retaliate,walk of shame,cops don’t like cameras,stop filming,id refusal,i dont answer question,female cop,police women,cops owned,cop dismissed

24 thoughts on “YOU HAVE TO LEAVE! Dumb Cops Get Owned And Dismissed! ID Refusal Walk Of Shame”

  1. It's simple, always record the police and always be aware of your RIGHTS!

    Leave a comment with your thoughts and hit the like to help these videos get out there to bring awareness to every one of their rights!

    End Qualified Immunity!

  2. So occifer, you want to advise me on the proper way to wipe my azz? I mean since you're giving directives.

  3. If you are on their property and they wish you to leave you have too. That includes public parking areas if they maintain upkeep on that property. You’re best bet is filming from the sidewalk. Corrections facilities have a special section in the laws in a lot of states that prohibit filming certain sections of the building and also requires anyone filming identify themselves. Check local laws to stay safe.

  4. They always get …what goes on inside the building ..and ..
    The outside wall of the building..
    Confused …
    That's why you can't take pictures of the Whitehouse……
    Oh wait ….yes you can

  5. Legality applies to persons. Law applies to men and women. Legality requires the man or woman to represent the person. The person is the all caps NAME on the birth certificate

  6. THAT'S the problem, not qualified immunity- they can just walk up & say "I'm suspicious of you.", grab you, pat you down, in the name of "officer safety," which has been placed above all of our rights by the tyrannical Supreme Court.
    See if they don't get away with it if they do.
    And look at Colorado, & other states where qualified immunity has been abolished- nothing has changed, at all.

  7. It is my personal observation;
    Looks like most police officers will just bluff, and hope you don't know your Constitutional Rights.
    It's also my personal observation;
    Most ( probably ALL ) police officers, once they put on a badge, are under a false illusion; they think once put on a badge, they think the whole world bows down to them.
    No !!! A police officer is a Public Servant, that means they work for The People.
    A police officer has no power or authority over you, till you commit a crime.
    We have way too many police officers on payroll !
    Yes, cut off 3/4 of The Police Department's Budget across America !

  8. “If I tell you to leave the property you leave it” who knows how many times people’s rights have been trampled by old boy

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