
You Can’t Record The Police!? 😱👮‍♂️


You Can’t Record The Police!? 😱👮‍♂️

#Record #Police

There are two instances when you can NEVER record the police…

First, when an active investigation or other police duties are going on. For example, you may have seen the viral video of a woman recording a stranger’s interaction with the police to demand what the reason for the investigation was. Recording these interactions can result in charges of witness tampering, impeding an investigation, amongst other charges.

Second, if you’re too close to the police or crime scene. Imagine the police are arresting a violent and armed fugitive. Should you be up in their business recording? No! You would be putting yourself in immediate danger. Or, what if the person being arrested sees you recording them and they get aggressive towards you?

The best thing to do? Stand back from what’s going on if you insist on recording someone else’s interaction with the police so you don’t put yourself, the suspect, or the officer in danger. After it’s over, and if the person doesn’t get arrested, let them know you got footage of the interaction.
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24 thoughts on “You Can’t Record The Police!? 😱👮‍♂️”

  1. If they want to pass that law they need to put out some kind of barrier like caution tape😮 we all know they want us as far away as possible so our video evidence is useless and we all know that law is just another thing that they could use to arrest us and charge us with a crime and I have yet to see one video of the person getting arrested getting mad at the person filming. Now that's not to say there isn't one but I haven't seen it so I call bullshit on all that

  2. I'll record whatever I want in public. I don't give a rats ass if someone doesn't like it. The BS at the end of this video is a load of crock.

  3. I guess this would be good news if I trusted cops enough to not think they'd purposely and continually close the distance to where they can complain I was interfering with their duties and/or compromising the safety of everyone present. Sadly, by their own actions ove the last 20+ years…

    Trusting them that much is too hard of an ask.

  4. I just watched another one of these ignorant YouTubers who don't get it. All the comments seem to always site against the cops and I can understand the public dislike of police but they do serve a purpose. Try living in a country with no place. We have enough crime in this country already there are good police officers most people would agree with that The system definitely could be overhauled but they're doing a job a job that most of us would never want to do a hard job and a job that's necessary.

    So the stupid YouTuber was like less than 5 ft away from this cop maybe 5 ft let's say And I guess he must have had the camera in his pocket because she said take your hands out of your pants pockets. So I think he had it in his shirt pocket. But he refused to take his hands out of his pockets. He said I'm not armed like she has to trust and believe him when he's that close if he had a razor blade or a knife she's in very much danger and since she's a police officer and people target police officers seems like they should have a right to ask you to take your hands out of your pockets to make sure you're not holding a knife or a gun or something else that could harm them especially when you're that close. So I'm not sure what the legality of it is I'm pretty sure she was within her rights to ask him to take his hands out of his pockets but he kept refusing saying you don't have a right to ask me to do that and kept filming her. The video cut short but hopefully they frisked him because once again if you're in that close to a police officer there's something called the 21 foot rule and it means that a knife within 21 feet is more dangerous than a gun. He could easily have had a knife or a razor blade in his pocket. They don't know what his intentions are or who he is he hasn't shown an ID they don't know if he's psychotic they don't know if he's a killer or if he's just a regular guy that's trying to film cops and be an a******. Either way I thought the cop was within her rights to ask him to take his hands out of his pockets. But he was saying no. But I like this idea that there should be a law that you keep a safe distance away from police officers. This way they can do their duties. The thing that's getting annoying is that people see how many views these idiots get on YouTube and then they start copying it and now all the police will spend all their time being filmed by idiots trying to get more YouTube views instead of doing their job which is supposed to be protecting us from crime. I understand filming them from time to time to make sure they're not breaking the law. But when you get thousands and thousands of YouTubers throughout America doing this in the future which will probably happen then what do they do. That's why I think at a certain point they're going to make it illegal to film them if you're within 10 ft for example. If you're 15 ft away and you're zoomed in then who cares. But if you're standing 5 ft away from a police officer and you're not willing to take your hands out of your pockets to prove that you don't have a weapon then that's a problem. You could harm other people or that police officer and their job is to make sure that you don't do that. It's almost like they're trying to just make the police completely irrelevant which BLM already tried to do. If we never have police in the future or completely eliminate the police people will regret it I promise you

  5. You have never been arrested, tazered, handcuffed, and/or beaten by a policeman have you. They are criminals.

  6. Cooperate with those entrusted to put their life on the line for your well-being. Encombering them overly may effect the efficency of preventing crime. Cooperate!, got a beef with the interaction present it at Court.

  7. You know 99% of the videos of people recording police making an arrest doesn't piss off the person being arrested but always catches the officers attention to make sure he/she gets distracted. Like they are on TV the first time ever

  8. Not a single instance you mentioned is viable enough to justify the violation of your first amendment right. And you don't know if that person recording had a gun. So if they do have a gun how are they going to make the situation worse? Infact seems more like a way to help back up the police. And help make sure there is proper evidence.

    Only reason a cop doesn't want to be recorded is because they are breaking the law and know the person will be let go free of all charges because of their screw up if recorded on a device they can't manipulate in their favor.

  9. I've seen cops walk up to people 200 ft away telling them their too close and need to back up more and at the same time tell them they don't like the camera in their face because it's interfering with the investigation and they will be arrested

  10. Those new laws also stop you from recording the police officers when they're interacting with you too.

  11. “ being to close to can officer can put you in danger “ me remembering videos of cops just walking
    Right up to cameras

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