
Women and the Criminal Justice system | Saba Vaziri | TEDxYouth@DubaiCollege


Women and the Criminal Justice system | Saba Vaziri | TEDxYouth@DubaiCollege

#Women #Criminal #Justice #system #Saba #Vaziri #TEDxYouthDubaiCollege

Female convictions have nearly tripled despite constant numbers of offences. It requires two female witnesses to provide suitable evidence in trials, but only one male witness for the same effect. Saba pulls on her families struggles against the judicial system to demystify the popular opinion that increased female involvement in the judicial system has caused corrections to the patriarchal system that still exists today.

Year 13 student at Jumeirah College This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
criminal law , Women and the Criminal Justice system | Saba Vaziri | TEDxYouth@DubaiCollege, TEDxTalks,English,Life,Criminal justice

2 thoughts on “Women and the Criminal Justice system | Saba Vaziri | TEDxYouth@DubaiCollege”

  1. I can’t believe the extents people go to to falsely try to prove the intersectionality narrative. There is good evidence that there is even more unfairness for men in the system than racial disparities

  2. unfortunately some of this is incorrect. Many studies have proven women receive more lenient punishments by the criminal justice system then men. If you don't believe me just look it up.

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