
Witness meets with judge behind closed doors | DA Fani Willis, Nathan Wade hearing


Witness meets with judge behind closed doors | DA Fani Willis, Nathan Wade hearing

#Witness #meets #judge #closed #doors #Fani #Willis #Nathan #Wade #hearing

A witness in the Fulton DA disqualification proceedings met with the judge behind closed doors on Monday.
criminal lawyer , Witness meets with judge behind closed doors | DA Fani Willis, Nathan Wade hearing, [ local,news ]

35 thoughts on “Witness meets with judge behind closed doors | DA Fani Willis, Nathan Wade hearing”

  1. After watching the last episode of ratchet banter, I was expecting her to show up with a 40 of old English, 20 inches of weave and child support papers

  2. My god. The people on here commenting are coocoo for coco puffs. “The fix is in”, yeah ok. Even if fani was banging this dude forever ago, how would that change the mountain of evidence against the defense? Anyone supporting these defendants is anti democratic, and nowhere near being a “patriot”. U are actually just a clown loser with a smooth brain. Oh, and save your replies, because I don’t listen to cult member idiots. 👋

  3. Then why do yall always try to guess. I havent heard you put this much effort in on the facts No Guessing when it comes to trump and his misfits. Disgraceful.


  5. Gosh, our justice system has turned into a real $HIT SHOW. And no matter what people think of Trump or Fani, she is NOT a good or professional prosecutor. She is worse than the one they had before and that was not easy to do. Voters need to wise up, vote for the nerdy more conservative people. One: they will be more professional and ethical and Two: they will not be funded by Soros and his political groups.

  6. This judge should never have allowed this case to come to trial. It’s a time wasting ploy by trump and his clown show of lawyers

  7. Everyone is totally forgetting, this is not about them!!! The people they “were” prosecuting tried to steal an election! So what they were sleeping together! Like really?🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

  8. It appears Bradley has destructive info against wade and fani

    If it shows these two lied then
    Disqualify both
    Bar investigation on both
    Prosecute both for perjury
    Fire Willis from her job as da
    Trump et al sue them for their atty fees

    Sad. B c it seems, not sure, trump tried to pressure and cheat to win in Georgia

    What public servant can be trusted?

    Can’t trust trump.
    Can’t trust Biden

  9. If she did wrong punisher according to the law nobody is above the law not even Donald Trump with his treason ass

  10. the people going after Trump more corrupt than him that is for sure! including The Big Guy himself (coordinating it all behind the scenes) using a Putin playbook

  11. They should have never let this Judge hear this case, he used to work for her and he and his wife gave money to Fani's Election Campaign. If Trumps client privilege can be removed then it should apply here also.

  12. How is this any way an issue as it’s all personal and has nothing to do with the trial. At the same time, she should have never hired him at all

  13. Why is this a discussion. Out here in California, relationships with “employees” where one partner, especially a partner that has hiring/ firing power and has a position of control is then a big ooops!

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