
Will Madeline Soto’s Mom Face Charges? Closing Arguments with Vinnie Politan


Will Madeline Soto’s Mom Face Charges? Closing Arguments with Vinnie Politan

#Madeline #Sotos #Mom #Face #Charges #Closing #Arguments #Vinnie #Politan

Does Madeline Soto’s mother, Jenn Soto, need an attorney? #CourtTV’s Vinnie Politan breaks down her statements to media and whether she’s implicated in the death of her 13-year-old daughter. Plus, former ballerina Ashley Benefield prepares to face a jury for her upcoming murder trial.

00:00 Madeline Soto Background
00:42 3 Things Happening in Madeline Soto Case
06:13 Body Language Analysis
17:48 Does Madeline Soto’s Mom Need An Attorney?
27:44 On The Docket: FL v Ashley Benefield

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#madelinesoto #ashleybenefield

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39 thoughts on “Will Madeline Soto’s Mom Face Charges? Closing Arguments with Vinnie Politan”

  1. My baby crawled into the closet, covered up with the dirty clothes that were kept on the floor. I could not find her and was freaking out. Went and knocked on all my neighbors doors, had the whole neighborhood looking. My legs were going out from under me. I went to look in the house one more time and found her. I was crying and holding her, shaking all day even after we knew she was alright.
    This "mother" is full of 💩

  2. She said she was going to TELL & he killed her. Mom knows all about it. He shojld get comfy with old sparky.

  3. I just listened to an interview of one of this piece of human 💩 friends. He worked at Epcot. Je was one of the men that work the rides. He said it was some kind of ride about " filament "I don't know Epcot rides. This friend also said the mother has been broken up with this guy for 2 years. After being out of the apartment she let him move back in but they were still not a couple. So he didn't understand why she was on television calling Mr 💩 her BF.

  4. does anyone else find it odd how close they are in this picture. their chests are touching and such…. seems weird.

  5. She should absolutely face charges. She knew and let it continue and if she didn't know that means she was a grossly negligent parent which is child abuse. CHARGE HER.

  6. I wish the law find that she wasn’t involved , so this lady loses her career. It’s easy to open your mouth and point a finger to someone

  7. It's a real possibility that the girl was prego by the stepdad n maybe that caused all of it , idk but😮


  9. Seriously this poor little girl and even the police are abusing her with selfies and photo leaks. Madeline deserves better.❤

  10. The strangest thing to me about the mom is the she never once says she loves her daughter. Very odd.

  11. I hope they also catch all his copedos online as well believe me when I say there on this followers list

  12. Yes she should, neglected but !! Moms who struggle should have more access to help… so she don’t have to look for another man just for economic circumstances.

  13. The one photo is more like an "Evils Perp Walk." it doesn't bother me, but releasing a child victims' body photos is an absolute No!

  14. He has to have abused other children at Disney. Pervs have no self control of their disgusting urges!

  15. I think mom came home and caught the boyfriend and daughter in bed and I think she killed the girl so angry and flip out so the boyfriend help because he is the source of her killing her he did all the arrangements they really need to check the mom the boyfriend is guilty to

  16. Great job covering this tragedy 😢. Really hope people will wait till ALL the evidence is in before they judge.

  17. Hi Vinny🤩 Enjoyed your reporting for EVER😊
    I am skeptical, etc….but the interview I saw of him ….he didn't do a bad job at all…he looked more concerned that ole momma girl. When they wipe tears….I can't see from here….actual wet tears or not. Btw, "reading " body language is good for judging who to go on date nights with, etc….but you know it's even LESS dependable than a lie detection test.
    Please get these "experts" (no offense"), BEFORE the arrests,😂 easy after arrest to read it.
    Like backseat drivers and Monday morning quarterbacks.

  18. @Vinnie On Crime, lines and lies, Brooks spoke with an employee at Disneyland. The employee explained that Disneyland does not hire these employees. Disney gets their employees from staffing agencies. So, Stephen didn't work for Disney, he worked for the staffing agent. It keeps Disneyland from being held accountable for these employees.

    Crime, Lines and Lies
    Updates🔥LE says "not adding up"
    33:20 minutes-33:57 minutes

  19. Schedule seems like she’s reading a script I know she’s shaking but her voice seems so monotone She seems rather odd

  20. I RECKON:

    Madeline told her mum what was happening, her mum got angry mum and her BF were both there when angers got high and Madeline was killed. BF planned what to say, hide the body and mother repeated it all abd is agreeing to say nothing about what went on. The mother could've even done this, desparate to have BF.

    Regardless, the mother knows more of the death nearer the time it happened than she is saying!

  21. For several years, she endured abuse, while her mother either failed to notice warning signs or chose to overlook them

  22. There will be no true justice for this young and innocent girl. Our laws for this kind of thing flat out SUCK! That is why people keep doing these kinds of horrific things. Obviously her own Mother wasn't even protecting her, and it seems very likely that she knew what happened and/or took part in it. That being said, the only justice will come when this guy enters prison because there are GOOD people locked up in prison who don't care much for people like this guy. So, I say let the (inside) prison system handle what is coming to him. God bless you Madeline Soto…. you are in a much better and safer place now.

  23. How is she at work and her daughter is at a birthday party? She has lies written all over her face

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