
Why You Should Never Ever Resist Arrest.


Why You Should Never Ever Resist Arrest.

#Resist #Arrest

Resisting arrest can worsen your legal situation. Stay compliant with law enforcement and seek guidance from a criminal defense lawyer for optimal outcomes. 🚓⚖️ 

#frankwalkerlaw #criminaldefenselawyer #court #searchwarrant #policeofficer #personalinjury #duidefense #duilawyer
criminal lawyer , Why You Should Never Ever Resist Arrest., attorney,criminal defense attorney,police officer

21 thoughts on “Why You Should Never Ever Resist Arrest.”

  1. First of all …. Those acting under color of law, is not acting in accordance with the law … Secondly, in the US Supreme Court case of bad elk versus the United States, The Court ruled: " You have a right to resist an unlawful arrest up to and including the use of deadly force ". Third… You are an unregistered foreign agent, foreign because your political allegiance and loyalty as a BAR attorney is to the British crown, as an Esquire escheating the American people and their ESTATES.🙊🙉🙈🦁👁️

  2. Thank you for this information. I ask for myself, as I am disabled in a certain way. For instance, putting both my hands behind my back, is exceedingly difficult, due to the function of the joints in my body. So I can totally see cops perceive the dysfunction of my body as a a form of resistance. I can see myself forced into a physical position, that my body can't easily achieve, and being, literally, tortured for who knows how long, with my arms, legs, etc … forced into a position that I cannot naturally assume. Whereupon the now weaponized police, would simply terminate my existence and blame it on resisting arrest.

  3. They arrest you so that you can face a judge. Which means it will cost you money. Because that’s what cops are for. Generating revenue for the government. They especially want to arrest first timers. The entire legal system loves those, even the lawyers.

  4. So when you allow them to arrest you, is there a way to stop bills from piling up? Is there a way to get my job back that doesnt rely on my employer being a kind person?

  5. No, you should always resist being unlawfully taken against your will, and you should use whatever force is necessary to defend your freedom. Hence, the 2nd Amendment. Start holding these unlawful oath breakers accountable immediately instead of allowing them to cage you for months before you are even seen by a judge. Did you know that's not according to law either. Once arrested, you are to be taken immediately to a judge. Not made to sit in a cell until a court date comes available. The courts wouldn't be flooded if cops actually upheld their oath and stopped using 'contempt of cop' as their excuse to arrest a lawful citizen

  6. Honestly allowing this by itself is how tyrannical rule comes and or stays in place. We should be allowed to resist if said detainment or arrest is unlawful.

    Example placing an officer abusing his power under citizens arrest should not be as difficult as it is.

  7. I would agree with u but afterwards when its found that it was an unlawful arrest… the pig that did it needs to go to jail.

  8. This guy is legally wrong. SCOTUS has ruled you can legally use physical force to stop an unlawful arrest.

  9. If a man disrespects me I'm in the right to end their life.
    A judge may condemn me but if God forgives me Idc 😂
    Who invented this stupid system man.
    If you end a man we will send you back to school.
    Where you won't work,
    Workers will pay your rent and bills,
    And we will feed you for free everyday.
    And if you are a really bad boy,
    We will isolate you so you can live in peace.

    Man…. They really didn't think this through 😂

  10. No crime , no resisting. Thank you states where it is legal to resist unlawful arrest by any equal force necessary.

  11. Military Tribunal for all organized criminals policy enforcers are not officers 😂😂

  12. If you get arrested and pretty much ANY charge sticks (like resisting arrest), you will almost always lose the ability to bring (or win) federal civil rights claims against them.

  13. If you resist a "false arrest," you go to jail. If you are arrested falsely, the cops walk away. You can't fucking win!

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