
Why US Olympics Is Suing Logan Paul (Prime) | LAWYER EXPLAINS


#Olympics #Suing #Logan #Paul #Prime #LAWYER #EXPLAINS

In this video we’re going over a new lawsuit filed by the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC) against Logan Paul’s Prime.

While Team USA kicks off their best attempts at the 2024 Paris Olympics, the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC) is suing Logan Paul’s Prime for “blatant” trademark infringement. It comes from Prime’s partnership with basketball star Kevin Durant, who is currently at the Olympics to represent the United States in Team USA’s basketball team.

0:00 Introduction
2:10 Trademarks Explained
5:41 Trademark Licensing
8:05 What Prime Is Doing Wrong
12:01 Likelihood of Consumer Confusion
12:55 Why It’s Such a Big Blunder for Prime
14:13 What Do YOU Think?

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30 thoughts on “Why US Olympics Is Suing Logan Paul (Prime) | LAWYER EXPLAINS”

  1. I have to say I do think trademarking the word "Olympic" is absolutely insane. The other ones like Team USA totally understand. But having a trademark on the word Olympic seems goofy to me for sure.

  2. lol worth billions of dollars. That's why Prime is available at Dollar Tree, Ollies and other find last stop before the landfill stores.

  3. I get they are doing this right I understand however what I don't get is why everything gets blamed on Logan like he is the only owner but yet KSI is also a owner of Prime

  4. The National Olympic Committees are often just as fraudulent (or at the very least grossly misrepresenting how funds are used). Very little of that sponsorship money reaches athletes directly or in a directly supportive capacity. Instead, it goes to administrative bloat.

  5. 2:00 you said that USOPC funds the athletes for clothing, lodging, gear, etc. That is actually not true. The athletes fund their own way to the Olympics and even their own training, and lodging. Yes the Olympics and the Olympic training Centers do provide a location to train, lodging, and a team of trainers. The athletes must financially support themselves I every other way unless their sport has private donors. If the sport had no or little donors, then the responsibility of the funding falls upon the athlete. Those fancy clothing is not paid from the USOPC. Those are 100% sponsored and given by a clothing vendor for their marketing of their. company.

  6. I think Paris Hilton trademarked 2 words that you can’t say in public 😂 lol

  7. Wait a second, how is it possible to trademark the words olympian and olympic individualy ?
    Does this apply only to the US market ?
    Because if that’s the case ok but otherwise what happens for other english speaking countries ?

  8. As big of a piece of crap as Logan Paul is, I think it's stupid as hell that we let companies own singular words and common phrases. It's insane that we let them claim the phrase "go for the gold" and they can now sue people for using it. It's just a phrase. When someone says "Olympian" I don't think of the Olympics, I think of Ancient Greece. I hate the world we live in. People can own words and Coca Cola can buy the entire worlds water supply. What's next? Apple Oxygen? Fuck me.

    Also your example makes literally no sense.

  9. It’s always Logan Paul’s drink when it’s something bad but when just mentioning or something good it’s both of their drinks lol

  10. leave Logan Paul alone! we really think using “USA” is going to confuse consumers? and take money from coke?? 🤨

  11. Trademarking words like Olympic is evil. If you didn't create the word it shouldn't be trademarked. Phrases are one thing(and I'm not behind that either), an actual word is another.

  12. crossing my fingers this destroys Logan Paul. but unfortunately it won't because its all probably under an LLC. He is just another stain on the US history same as the Kardashains.

  13. I think the usage "3x olympic gold medalist" should be a free speech issue. It's just a statement of fact. The implications of Olympic, Olympian, and Olympics being trademarked as they are imply that you can't even talk about the EXISTENCE of the Olympics in a commercial text, which is ridiculous to me. The uses of Team USA and Go for the Gold are more obviously trademark infringement to me.

  14. That 'man' and i use that term very loosely is a complete scumbag and should be sued into oblivion and banned from all forms of social media

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