
Why Lawyers Take Difficult Cases and the Case of Donald Trump


Why Lawyers Take Difficult Cases and the Case of Donald Trump

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19 thoughts on “Why Lawyers Take Difficult Cases and the Case of Donald Trump”

  1. We do not need lawyers. We need to rid our, OUR, courts of them and start over to establish rule of law, American due process and equal justice without fear or favor. The jury system will replace them in all civil and criminal matters. An empaneled jury will choose one of their own as foreman and presiding justice. Yes, this is a most difficult venture fraught with dangers and frustrations. Eventually we will develop a class of legal professionals who share our values to assist in the administration of justice. Until then we must carry on as best we may.

  2. Trump may well be the worst client ever. But at least his followers will cough up the money to pay for his legal fees.

  3. Even actual criminal scumbags should have representation so they are not railroaded by the court system.

  4. Two women are walking down the street and they have to step around a pile of dog poop, one lady says to the other," lawyers are cute when they're little."

  5. Every lawyer that has represented trump has been indicted on charges of fraud and conspiracy.
    Even trump’s accounts go to jail for his crimes.

  6. The only reason we need lawyers is that lawyers have written the laws in such a convoluted way that you can't just read and understand it.

  7. Trump isn't the handful. The democrats are the handful. Yes, when somebody is being politically persecuted in a sense, they become a handful to help because they are being politically persecuted.And it means going all out on that person.

    But that means the person being politically persecuted needs lawyers the most.
    This is exactly why people need a defense. Because just because somebody is accused of something doesn't mean they are guilty. And just because everybody's going after that person does mean that person should be given up on

  8. I think you mean that crooked judge in New York along with the nipple judge would be a handful. Imagine a nipple judge who doesn’t even know what a money market account is deciding that you committed fraud in $1 billion business when the bank testified they don’t use your net worth as part of the loan Determination. you have this judge in the criminal case in New York whose daughter is making millions of dollars thanks to the prosecution and he refuses to refuse himself which is illegal and he is also denying Donald Trump his first amendment right which is a federal crime. Yes, the judge cited three cases Where they were gag orders and none of those the defendant who has a right to defend himself. That’s right lawless judges are the real problem not Donald Trump the real problem is crooked judges

  9. We all need lawyers? Then why do we have so many jokes about busses full of lawyers crashing into rivers?

  10. The case is not legit. You know that. It’s just a ploy by the sinking liberals. They’ve gone to cray cray and now it is backfiring. The only way they win the Nov election is by cheating. There will be more drastic measures coming the closer we get to the election. Mark my words. Oddly enough trump doesn’t even have to campaign. Let’s talk Bill Clinton.

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