
Why America Must Still Vote For Biden


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36 thoughts on “Why America Must Still Vote For Biden”

  1. Along with Project 2025, we should also mention "Schedule F." This was an Executive Order from Trump during his first term that allowed Federal employees to be reclassified as "at-will" employees. The phrase "at-will employees" means that Federal workers in most administrative capacities can be fired "at-will" — in other words, at the will of their employers. If Trump gets a second term, he'll be able to replace all Federal workers who are not Trump loyalists with those who agree with his agenda. That will be bad news for all of us who rely on Federal programs like Social Security, Medicare (and healthcare in general), not to mention many other Federal protections like those involving food and water safety, air quality, housing affordability, and virtually all environmental regulations. In short, a second Trump term will make "Schedule F" a reality — it's a major part of the fascist agenda that's destroying this country. VOTE BIDEN!!!

  2. It’s criminal what Dems did with covering up Biden’s cognitive state, blocking primaries, and targeting Trump. You’ve made your bed, now sleep in it. I absolutely despite Trump! But I can’t vote for Biden, the weekend at Bernie’s.

  3. Relaxed Democrats and BidenHarris supporters! Starting next week it's going to be less talk about the debate and more talk about convicted felon Trump's upcoming sentencing date on July 11th. Just imagine if he gets sentenced to home confinement and has to wear an ankle monitor.

  4. Hello, Mr. Corbett! My husband and I have a question for you. Here it is! Have you considered running for the presidency of the United States? We ask this because we have watched every one of your videos thus far and will continue to do so, and you have hit the head on the nail with the information you and daughter Chloe has put forth. Also, this new video speaks volumes as well when it comes to the recent presidential debate. Which was seen by millions here in the U.S. and around the world. And let me say that it was a fiasco, and both old men did not hit the ball out of the park, as far as being constant and revelant in persuading the masses one way or another as to which candidate and party to vote for. However, we agree that it's best to vote 'the old man (Biden) instead of the con man(Trump).' Thank you for helping us see the light in this important decision. We love you guys! Be blessed!😊❤

  5. This level of hate is unpatriotic. Biden is being suffering from elder abuse. Jill Biden should be ashamed of herself allowing her sick husband to be embarrassed.

  6. If you want some reminders of the chaotic mess of the trump presidency 🤢🤯 but in an entertaining way, watch some of the music videos of Randy Rainbow! 💕💕💕 He is super talented AND doesn’t hold back! 😊

  7. Pastor, I need to talk to you. Is there a phone number I can call you? I can hear you!

  8. 🤔 When does the mango Mussolini lie? “When his lips are moving”. 😖😏
    He’s a pathological liar, probably wouldn’t even know the truth if it bit him on his a**! 😆😡

  9. " Vote against Democrats is the new movement." Voting Democrat no matter what is completely outdated now, only gonna get us more of the same, so we're voting against democrats until reparations are taken completely serious. Rather that's the couch or not.

  10. Main stream media all they cared about was Biden performance and not the lies that Trump constantly put out. Thanks to media, they might have gave Trump the win, but there's also people like me that cares more about the man who bought us out of a recession as vice president and after Trump recession with covid. One debate would not change my vote, Biden will for sure get my vote.

  11. The debate didn't have any effect on my vote for Biden. The lies and felonies makes me sure that i will never vote for Trump.

  12. It's doesn't matter I'm still Voting for Uncle Joe No Matter What because he 'ß Not A Lier😊❤ Plus I Love him.

  13. It's doesn't matter I'm still Voting for Uncle Joe No Matter What because he 'ß Not A Lier😊❤ Plus I Love him.

  14. It's doesn't matter I'm still Voting for Uncle Joe No Matter What because he 'ß Not A Lier😊❤ Plus I Love him.

  15. I'm 79 years old,i didnt watch the debate at all, thats my God given choice period……. I have all my bearings. I dont care about debate. Now i will cast my ballot for president Jo biden ….

  16. Great job distributing the facts 👍🏽You are spot on, if Biden had fallen completely off the stage, it would not change my vote. Keep up the good work 🙏🏽

  17. Thank you so much for informing us the public. I enjoy all of your videos. They are very informative. Keep on shedding light over this Maga Project 2025.

  18. Thank you for the sacrifice you and your daughter make to the African diaspora. There are no words to express my gratitude and appreciation to your cause to let us know what is imperative for people knowledge thank you.

  19. I would rather vote for a dead dog rather than Donald Trump. Keep the old man in office. Biden is the only choice.

  20. Many dictators have a silver tongue at the beginning, but they're dangerous and can always turn on a dime. The reality is that Dictatorships always last far longer than "one day". I'm voting Biden-Harris to save our democrcy and, possibly, our lives as well. That's a no-brainer.

    I saw how Trump told lie after lie at the debate without any pushback or call outs from moderators. It was just shameful. I'm also wondering why CNN disallowed Black media to join the team.

  21. I didn't watch the Debate, and I am still Voting for Biden, the memory is still Fresh in my mind, about what it was like when Trump was President, it was Like having a MADMAN for President!!! we never knew what Trump would do next, he was always up to NO GOOD! TEXTING, RALLIES! SPEWING DIVISION AND NOT UNITY ALL THE TIME!! Biden was Chose to run for President, to keep TRUMP OUT of the WHITEHOUSE!!!! That was the DEMOCRATS STRATEGY Then and it's the same NOW!! Vote BIDEN and HARRIS 2024!!

  22. fba are not rocking with Biden, we're already living under a dictator, joe Biden. if you shill want to continue to support Joe Biden, so be it.

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