
Why 50% of Marriages End in Divorce | James Sexton, Divorce Lawyer


#Marriages #Divorce #James #Sexton #Divorce #Lawyer

James Sexton and I discuss Why 50% of Marriages End in Divorce.

James Sexton is a prolific Divorce Attorney and Author of “How to Stay in Love,” and “If You’re In My Office, It’s Already Too Late.”

Apple Podcasts:

00:00 – Introductions
01:53 – James Sexton’s Life
04:10 – Being Interested and Interesting
13:08 – Becoming a Divorce Lawyer
19:18 – Fame & Love
28:30 – Love is a Verb
30:53 – Vulnerability
36:25 – Fear, Arrogance
44:05 – Afraid of Marriage
50:45 – James’ Marriage
54:45 – Biggest Mistake that James Sexton has made in a relationship
divorce lawyers near me , Why 50% of Marriages End in Divorce | James Sexton, Divorce Lawyer


29 thoughts on “Why 50% of Marriages End in Divorce | James Sexton, Divorce Lawyer”

  1. The problem is – when a woman marries a man, she's marrying a man in a man's world. This absolutely has an effect on their relationship. It's not the man's fault, but it does mean that – no matter how hard he tries – the marriage does not exist on a level playing-field.

  2. I watched several interviews or podcasts with Jim, where I noticed the questions had been asked were repetitive and hence the talk brought little addition to what has already been said in a previous conversation. So, well done Jake for such an exceptional episode. Thank you very much.

  3. “Tu mujer conoce tus debilidades mejor que nadie. Ella sabe dónde flaquearás y te rendirás. Sabe el grado de mediocridad con el que te conformarás. Y, ella conoce tu verdadera capacidad de hombre pleno, de hombre de libre conciencia, y de amor. Su don, si es una buena mujer, es ponerte a prueba con sus estados de ánimo más sombríos, una y otra vez, hasta que tu conciencia no se vea perturbada por el desafío femenino y puedas impregnarla con tu amor, tal como estás aquí. para impregnar el mundo. En respuesta a tu conciencia intrépida, ella empapará tu mundo de amor y luz”.

    ― David Deida, El Camino del Hombre Superior

  4. Jake….I watched the vid….James Sexton…and You need to be in my FILMS in Development….Yes OSCAR Caliber FILMS…. He and You were Born to be MOVIE STARS helping humanity …. speak soon….

  5. Just finished his book and listened to him on many other channels – highly recommend it the advice is so on pointe and the delivery is priceless 🙂

  6. Only in 2024 a guy with 151 subs gets to interview a public figure. Wild. Just wild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I watch all of his interviews and he is so fascinating and his topics are relatable! Great work 👍🏼

  8. Great interview! I only noticed half way through that you only have 100 subscribers, keep up the solid content and you're bound to grow brother 👌

  9. James holds some classic luxury beliefs about divorce thanks to his financial circumstances. For him, he was able to bear the burden of divorce, so animosity is minimal with his ex-wife.

    Most of us don't live that lifestyle.

  10. He’s fabulous ! He expresses himself very well and he speaks straight from the heart. I am an absolute fan !

  11. I've listened to a handful of interviews with James Sexton I really enjoy his perspective not just on marriage and divorce but I also enjoy his his philosophies on life, connection, and relationships in general. Another thing I truly enjoy about listening to Mr. Sexton is that each time I learn something new. I've picked up some wonderful new words for my vocabulary which I always enjoy and I also like the quotes and citations. Excellent interview!🌞

  12. Can’t get enough of listening to James Sexton. I think he’d make a great boyfriend 😉. Thank you for the talk.

  13. I wish James Sexton would create his own podcast. I have watched almost every podcast he was guest in and each time I learn something new.

  14. James Sexton talks about his life, his motivations for becoming a lawyer, marriage advice, and discusses his biggest regrets.

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