
Who’s LYING!? Diddy Lawyer Story is FALLING APART..


#Whos #LYING #Diddy #Lawyer #Story #FALLING #APART.

Looks like there’s a few different explanations floating around for why Diddy’s lawyers dropped him… let’s see if we can get to the bottom!

✔ L E G A L F U N D

Article Referenced:

✔ M E R C H


✔ B J I N V E S T I G A T E S

✔ J U S T P R E M P O D C A S T (My fiance + sometimes me)

✔ C A S H A P P

✔ P A Y P A L

✔ I N S T A G R A M

✔ T W I T T E R

lawyers near me , Who’s LYING!? Diddy Lawyer Story is FALLING APART..


29 thoughts on “Who’s LYING!? Diddy Lawyer Story is FALLING APART..”

  1. Who cares about any of these people. A non talented creepy Diddy was once worth a billion dollars. How is that possible? He's a criminal. The charges are real and he stole all his artists $$. Everyone turned their backs on him because he got caught. They knew but don't want to be involved because they knew. They're all 😈s..

  2. I totally agree with you Strongly, and i think he is Scum however this in my opinion a distant cousin of corruption.

  3. Ugh I LOVE how you refuse to take your stiletto off of Loot Taylor wrinkly and veiny neck, you’re such an icon BJ

  4. Mesilias runs an anti trump youtube channel "Medias Touch" is the channel — I think he was also on diddy breaking the band show or whatever

  5. I'd like to see an investigation on lady Gaga and her connections to Marina Abramovic/occult and Marina's involvement with A list celebrities

  6. I have to agree with you BJ & actually, it’s in our best interest for each party to have the best lawyer or lawyer of their choosing. Then they get their chance in court & whatever the verdict is, it hopefully stays & isn’t overturned because of some oversight from a bad lawyer. That’s the way our system works.

  7. I am100% pro- due process, too, including all the discovery & investigations that accompany this. Diddy is clearly part of a system where he is not head of the table. If horrified by his illegal, bizarre, E-stein-like behavior, why not support the process to the fullest extent so that light gets shown upstream, onto Diddy's/E-stein's bosses. If Dids gets the E-stein rx, at least it'll clarify what (& who ) we're actually observing & how it operates.

  8. Literally every time I’ve commented on any other channel mentioning your channel (even in replies), the comments get deleted. Idk if people or bots are reporting any comments that mention either of your channels, or if it’s some type of shadow ban. I just wanted to let you know that’s happening and see if anyone else is having these issues.

  9. Hurricane relief fund, New Jersey. Gaga did a concert for relief fund. 40 million made. How much money went to the victims? How much to Gaga, Old presidents, and Fat man. Sorry can't remember his name.

  10. That client list seems extremely suspicious to me… AND miss poker face didn’t want anyone to READ HER CARDS 🃏 as well as the rest of the cards hiding in the firm

  11. Well the law firm you referred to includes a lawyer named Ben Meiselas of MeidasTouch network who represented Colin Kaepernick just a side note.

  12. I believe that Mieselas (pronounced My-cell-us) is part of the media company @meidastouch, who reports on 45 and how disgusting the things he's done is – I'm not sure they could represent someone like Diddy while also trashing the things 45's done.
    The main brother of the media co, Ben Mieselas has represented Colin Kaepernick.

    This is just my own hypothesis, all of what I'm saying is just speculation – and I do enjoy their shows. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  13. BJ look into lady Gaga she stole another artists persona and that artist “ fell” off a building or smthg crazy like that!!

  14. I don't see a trial, just negotiations.Hope D does get a good team of lawyers.This is going to be biblical, nobody is innocent here.

  15. Diddy is living his best life!! White water rafting, got married, Hawaiian wedding/honeymoon , enjoying his lil baby girl……IJS

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