
White House PANICS As Biden HIRES Top Criminal Lawyer | Stephen Gardner


White House PANICS As Biden HIRES Top Criminal Lawyer | Stephen Gardner

#White #House #PANICS #Biden #HIRES #Top #Criminal #Lawyer #Stephen #Gardner

President Biden has just hired former president Barrack Obama’s best lawyer after more documents and a public admission about having top secret documents illegally came out of the president’s mouth. The white house is in full panic mode. Did you know Biden has had no one running the FAA for over a year now. No wonder we keep having airline related issues. Putin rains ballistic missiles down on two towns and says the air defense system is no match for his Russian rockets. Also, some major tax discrepencies were just learned about in the Biden taxes that has Republicans on high alert.

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Who is Stephen Gardner?

Stephen Gardner is a best-selling financial author with 8 books. He is also does financial coaching to show clients how to build wealth and quickly eliminate their debt using his FOCUS method. His most popular book is Taming Wall Street.

The two strategies taught in Taming Wall Street did NOT lose money during the coronavirus market drop, The Great Recession or the Great Depression.

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Stephen is on a mission to help strengthen America one family at a time.

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44 thoughts on “White House PANICS As Biden HIRES Top Criminal Lawyer | Stephen Gardner”

  1. Why the f does everybody keep talking about organizations that has received money from china, For God's sake every recession in this country has gone through it Has received bailout funds from China, This country is also borrowing money from china to give to ukraine to fight russia….soooo WTF….. You can't make china look bad to the world, you're only making yourself look bad..

  2. I admired Dr. King: he was the one who shared that a person should be considered because of the content of the character and not the color of thier skin. A lot of race activists could learn from that.

  3. How the heck did we get such a bumbling, stupid, fool for President? He is an embarrassment to “We the People”!

  4. Ukraine is trying to get to NATO if he does they will start war Ukraine fires on the people living in Ukraine look it up go to the sites u will see what going on over there.

  5. Wonder if they inspected bidens wife underwear, like they did with President Trumps wife, no raids like they did on inicent President Trump

  6. I guess the democratics that are really fed up with them found out you really don't have to put a window in your stomach You just have to pull your head out

  7. Do you mean Pete but instead I just goes to show you how bad the Democratic Party is You cannot hide from the truth It will eventually catch you no matter when and you hope better be d*** ready for it

  8. Hi everyone you all forgot Biden has been in the government on and off during he's life and he use to work for the 3 letter crew. Also plus I believe he also use to be in the military as hell🤔🤔🤔 and this is from resurch I've have done so far on our president

  9. obama .said leave it to biden to bugger things up BUT you can leave it to obama to under mine..every body and every thing he can't be trusted

  10. Obama and Biden have been destroying our country and still is WE ARE NOT STUPED AND WE WILL REVOLT ON WASHINGTON

  11. I'm surprised there was any files left for Trump to take home. Seams that Joe had most of them. Maybe they should just move the library archive to Joe's house that way they would know where to find them.

  12. He will definitely need a lawyer. A lawyer can only help that you are being given a "fair" trial, he can't hide your crimes.

  13. Not in any rush to see his removal, considering who will be the next to wreak havoc… ugh. May God help us

  14. The value of the the theives stolen gold will be made cheaper than dirt…God has plenty gold, seems God may flood the market with Gods G*O*L*D…idiot cold hearted billionaires,

  15. Can only wish them a truely fair trial…& the public informed and satisfied with the outcome of the use of their court system….peace and let it come to rest…
    Peaceful caution…..

  16. Obama is the key to what is running the country all the crimes belong to the new world order people. They are controlling the oil egg and economy Medicare and medicaid. Through the influence of the Keshogie killers.

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