
When You SHOULDN’T Identify Yourself to the COPS #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #AttorneyReacts


When You SHOULDN’T Identify Yourself to the COPS #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #AttorneyReacts

#SHOULDNT #Identify #COPS #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #AttorneyReacts

So, you’re walking down the street and a cop pulls up to you and demands your ID. Believe it or not, this happens all the time. Many cops have no idea citizens aren’t required to identify themselves because they ask. In reality, courts have ruled people do not have to identify themselves unless there is reasonable suspicion they are committing a crime. If you’re minding your own business, walking down the street, they more than likely don’t have reasonable suspicion.

I get comments all the time saying citizens should just hand their ID over when asked. It’s harmless, right? Well, when a cop is demanding your ID without reasonable suspicion you’re committing a crime, they are violating YOUR rights. You are NOT legally required to hand your ID over in these situations, so why should you have to?

criminal law , When You SHOULDN’T Identify Yourself to the COPS #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #AttorneyReacts, attorney reacts,civil rights,constitution,constitutional right,criminal justice,know your rights,lawyer reacts,protect your rights,we the people

23 thoughts on “When You SHOULDN’T Identify Yourself to the COPS #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #AttorneyReacts”

  1. In one video I saw, a guy told the cop, "my ID is in my back pocket. I do not consent to it, but I will not resist. You will have to take it against my will". Not an exact quote but basically what was said. The cop backed off that time. I'm not sure what the legality of the encounter was. You may be required to actually reveal your identification, but it did work in the video I saw.

  2. The problem is that the police, while required to have reasonable suspicion of a crime, don’t have to articulate it to you. While it may help your case to ask them to articulate their suspicions to you (especially on video), if you refuse to ID they may haul you in. They may later release you, covering their ass to some degree, but is that how you want to spend your day. So it becomes a game of bluffing. You don’t want to give up your rights and you don’t want to be arrested. The cops wants you to give up your rights but doesn’t want to arrest you. If you present yourself as knowledgeable and calm and willing to be arrested to assert your rights you may win out, but with an aggressive cop it is very hard to be cool. They want you to get testy and they will hurt you while hand cuffing you hoping you’ll resist. They will even say “don’t resist” on camera while pointing the camera away from you so that later they can claim you did resist. They are getting paid and will go home at the end of the shift while you will spend your day getting out of jail and spend your money beating the false charge. The cop will face little or no repercussions. This is what we have. Conservative SCOTUS has robbed us of any real rights as far as cops go.

  3. I had a cop stop me while on foot, ask id, and say there was someone who fit my description that stole something. The clothes i was wearing and the bag i was carrying were kind of obscure so i figured i didnt actually match any description that they were looking for. So, how can o e hold their feet to the fire, so to speak?

  4. The problem is they lie and tell you they're investigating suspicious activity to get you to comply and they intimidate you with the threat of arrest to get that compliance because no one wants to be arrested and taken to jail.

  5. Good law. Unless you got something to hide, what would it hurt to show your I D? This is only to hassle the policeman. Give him what he wants and go on with your life. But when you cause a stir and decline, it just makes it look like you got something to hide.

  6. I worked at a doctor's office as a maintenance man I was doing some cleaning around the back of the building. A sheriff pulled up and made me sit on the ground and give him my ID he said someone called that there was a suspicious person. I told him I worked at the doctor. He never verified that I worked there made me sit on the ground for 20 minutes while he looked at my ID in his car. Was this okay or was it a lawsuit

  7. Only the citizens of the united states have to show their i. D. the illegals that are coming in don't have to. Remember that😅

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