
When The Suspect Is Smarter Than The Detective


#Suspect #Smarter #Detective

Interrogations like this don’t happen often where the suspect outsmarts the detectives and knows EXACTLY what to do… This is the story of Jeff, who is one of the people who got out of an interrogation better than he went in.
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42 thoughts on “When The Suspect Is Smarter Than The Detective”

  1. This video is a joke. There is absolutely nothing spectacular about Jeff's supposive get down. Totally hyped narration.😂

  2. Cops are not required to read you Miranda upon arrest…They are required to read Miranda before questioning…no questions for you, no Miranda

  3. You don't have to prove to the cops that you didn't commit a crime. They have to prove that you did. Until they do, you are innocent!

  4. How is he smarter than the detectives? Who's going home that night who's going to a cell….again? Jeff's so smart he's been an addict most of his life and this being in 2011 he is either dead pr in prison by now. He's the smartest shit bag ever! Oh an just disregard he's a felon with a gun. Man such a smart shit bag. Smart people aren't arrested let alone arrested repeatedly for the same things. He's so smart he's a junkie living on a soiled mattress in a vacant house if he isn't in a cell.

  5. "The only reason I came up here was to get a 🤬 coke… and I got it".
    → "But now I want a Butterfinger."
    BRAVO!!! Freaking GENIUS! lmao

  6. Trust you me with all these young punks they are calling police nowadays you don't have to be about 25 or 30 years old to know more about the law than those who are enforcing a LMAO

  7. How he beat it is he was thirsty listens to the cop and is actually stunned by the cop he's not feeling good either so he's unfit to talk and answer questions then he asks to be sent to his bed to get some sleep
    He may know that there bringing him in the room because there getting annoyed with him he's in no mood fur anyone so funny
    Hope he makes enough to have his teeth done meets a nice girl settles down keeps up on his channel

  8. 😂😂😂😂😂 have to laugh thank God he changed his life around now fur his new set of teeth new clothes
    Thank God no one was hurt

  9. Jeff is brilliant! I knew a guy like him. He was a former addjct and had served time, but he’s one of the smartest people I ever met. People, please exercise your Constitutional rights! Nice job, Jeff!!

  10. As much fun as this was to watch, am I supposed to be happy that an admitted criminal walked free?

  11. The smartest thing anyone being interrogated by the police can say is that they want a lawyer. Once a suspect requests a lawyer, all questioning must stop until the lawyer is present. Even if you are completely innocent, you shouldn't answer any questions until you have a lawyer. There is nothing you could say to the police without a lawyer that you couldn't tell them once you have one. The police are allowed to lie to a suspect about evidence they have or witnesses that are prepared to testify against the defendant. But the police must be truthful with your lawyer. That way, you will at least know what evidence (if any) the police actually have. If a police officer tells you that if you ask for a lawyer he/she won't be able to "help" you, don't believe it. If you are innocent and there is information that you could give the police that will help establish your innocence, your lawyer will allow you to give that information to the police.

    It seemed like the cop in this video was still trying to get the guy to talk with him even after he invoked. I'm not sure why. That's because once someone has invoked their right to counsel, they can only waive that right in the presence of their attorney. My understanding is that if the guy had started talking with the cop and the cop started asking questions, anything the guy said in response to the questions would be inadmissible. There is an exception to that rule for spontaneous statements of a suspect that were not uttered in response to a question. If the cop had said, "I think it's ridiculous for a pitcher to be ejected and suspended for 10 games because his hand is too sticky if he hadn't used any illegal substance," and the guy said "Yeah, I agree. Oh and by the way, I committed the armed robbery," that would probably be admissible. It would depend on whether the court decided the cop's statement was part of an interrogation.

    The TLDR is "If a police officer reads you your rights, immediately ask for a lawyer and then shut up. If a cop starts questioning you, repeat your request for a lawyer and then shut up until you get that lawyer.

  12. Denies him the drugs that can help him?? The police are under no obligation to give him medication for withdrawal. I can’t believe you think this is a right of some sort😂

  13. He is not a genius, is not in terrible withdrawals yet, and the cop did nothing wrong 😂. The cop was just asking some probing questions. He has been through the system before, and knows he innocent, so he just stays silent. And that is not withdrawaling yet, he is still totally relaxed. At the end of the day, this is a YouTuber trying to get clicks.

  14. What a pathetic video of anti police. Maybe this man is innocent, he is obviously a career problem suspect. Police are not our enemies. I'm a 25 year military retiree with many friends as police. All are fair in their dealings with potential suspects

  15. Nothing smart here. Most cops are thick as shit. If arrested – don’t say a word. That’s it.

  16. Can you please just let us watch the video , and stop so narrating! We see what's happening

  17. Since they continued questioning after he requested an attorney, does he have a civil case he can pursue?

  18. See Jeff, now you've handcuffed me. Meanwhile Jeff is dying of withdrawals literally in handcuffs 😂

  19. Nothing genius about it. He knows his rights. career criminals been in the system long enough to know law enforcements methods to get him to incriminate himself.

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