
When Stupid Cops Arrest FBI Agents | Hasanabi reacts to True Crime


When Stupid Cops Arrest FBI Agents | Hasanabi reacts to True Crime

#Stupid #Cops #Arrest #FBI #Agents #Hasanabi #reacts #True #Crime

When Stupid Cops Arrest FBI Agents | Hasanabi reacts to True Crime

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Hasanabi (AKA Hasan Piker) is an American Twitch streamer and political commentator. He is known for covering the news and discussing politics from a left-wing perspective. He also plays a variety of video games, reacts to funny videos and occasionally checks out memes made by the community.

Links to Hasan’s socials:

#hasanabi #hasanpiker
criminal lawyer , When Stupid Cops Arrest FBI Agents | Hasanabi reacts to True Crime, HasanAbi,hasanabi clips,hasanabi productions,Hasanabi reacts,hasanabi,hasan piker,hasanabi jcs,hasanabi true crime,hasanabi reacts to jcs inspired,jcs criminal psychology,true crime reaction,jcs reaction,jcs inspired,hasanabi reacts to police,corrupt cops,corrupt cop arrested,karens,hasanabi reacts to karens,karens instant karma,suspects seduce police,cops arrest fbi agents,cops arresting fbi agents gone wrong,hasanabi reacts to cops arresting fbi agents

26 thoughts on “When Stupid Cops Arrest FBI Agents | Hasanabi reacts to True Crime”

  1. came here after the "hasanabi reacts to" channel uploaded a damn screen recording from the walmart wifi

  2. I came for the laughs. I am commenting to be that asshole:

    Police officers and feds can be bad at their jobs, but their jobs are necessary. There are far more good cops than bad ones. Universal cop bashing just makes you look childish and unrealistic. As a matter of fact, I am gonna wager that almost all of the ACAB people have had to depend on officers at some point to sort some sh!t out.

    Defund the Police is a terrible slogan; it's just more catchy than Demilitarize (which is the objectively correct and accurate goal).

    P.S. Detaining is not arresting. Refusing to identify yourself is your right but you can't expect an officer to just ignore a suspicion and walk away just because you say "nah". You just made your day worse and their job harder. The reason Hasan has a hard time processing the first video is because all they did was identify the guy and let him go, which could have been done if he just identified himself from the jump.

  3. I feel like I’m going insane. I have a number of formerly soft leftist and progressive friends and acquaintances that in this past year have gone full blue maga pro cop NIMBY genocide deniers. Like some of these people were legit DSA officers and now they’re campaigning for pro-Israel politicians for free. What has happened?

  4. imo the fact that there are news saying that man isn't a fbi agent looks more like fbi not wanting to point him out.

  5. "chatters are not talking about what's right and wrong morally, but what people should do to not die" 42:08 EXACTLY!

    Then Hasan responds talking about George Floyd, "or do you believe the cop was in the wrong there", hasan missing the point still. No one said anything about who was in the wrong. Of course the cop was in the wrong, he murdered someone. That's literally not what they're talking about. If a bear attacked me and someone said, "my advice would be not to run from a bear, but to stand still" would you tell them "oh, so you think the bear that attacked me was in the right?" HUH?? Does no one see what's wrong with that line of thinking?

    If a bear was attacking me i would do whatever i think it would take in that momemt to survive the situation. It doesn't matter if it's JUST. I have no idea wtf Hasan is going on about here. I want to LIVE. They scare the shit out of me, why would i risk death by cop? who does that help? is it gunna start some revolution if i wait til they've roughed me up a bit instead of just doing what they say immediately?? How does he not understand such a simple concept? he somehow twists it into this weird thing about submissivness and victim blaming. No one deserves how cops treat you, but if you ever come across them it's in your best interest to treat them like a dangerous animal. Do not provoke. Do not expect to have a rational conversation. ACAB.

    45:10 YEP. the chatters seem to get it… he keeps repeating himself about the police being "in the wrong". OF COURSE they are, none of them said he wasn't. like he's just talking past everyone, not understanding their actual argument. it's tiring.

  6. That one cop has to use excessive force because he has SUCH a pathetic little b!tch voice that its the only way he can get people to take him seriously. Thats it

  7. That one cop has to use excessive force because he has SUCH a pathetic little bitch voice that its the only way he can get people to take him seriously. Thats it.

  8. Dude assuming cops went to collage to be cops in the 1st video is more stupid than the cops themselves…

  9. No no no… /other/ people should do what they're told… it's always other people, that's why it's so easy to say! You're talking to people who just can't imagine themselves in the situation

  10. Thank you for making this vid hasan I watched these arrests and read the comments and felt the same way.

  11. We need no more evidence hasans audience is full of subs 😅 uwu I'll lick your boots officer uwu

  12. How do ppl listen to this and think youre saying to resist cops lmaooo I have constant stress over how fn stupid your average person is. Its so fckn stressful.

  13. 0:00: 👮‍♂️ Unintended Arrest of Federal Agent by Local Police Captivates Viewers in Hasanabi's Reaction Video.
    5:44: 👮‍♂️ Misidentification leads to wrongful arrest of man mistaken for FBI agent by police officers.
    11:32: ⚖️ Inept law enforcement officers face criticism for unprofessional behavior during an arrest of an FBI agent.
    17:17: 👮‍♂️ Arrest of FBI agent mistaken for criminal with lenient penalty and uncomfortable detainment.
    23:10: ⚖️ FBI agent resists local police, leading to escalating confrontation over identity verification.
    29:36: 👮‍♂️ Unlawful arrest of ATF agent by police officer leads to civil lawsuit and trauma, impacting agent's role.
    35:11: 👮‍♂️ Critique on blind obedience to authority and the justification of injustice by law enforcement.
    40:22: ⚖️ Discussion on misunderstanding and victim-blaming in police encounters, highlighting the fear and resistance felt by individuals.
    45:58: ⚖️ Importance of police responsibility and moral principles in handling situations regardless of individual characteristics.
    51:33: ⚖️ FBI agent exercises right to remain silent during encounter with a persistent officer.
    56:51: 👮‍♂️ Absurd analysis of police misconduct and responsibility in a viral video reaction.
    1:02:28: ⚖️ Court finds excessive force used by officers, violating rights and denying qualified immunity.
    1:08:03: ⚖️ Misunderstanding leads to unjustified arrest of off-duty FBI contractor by overzealous officer.

    Timestamps by Tammy AI

  14. The actual "why would you make us do this", lol
    The goddamn nation anthem of physical abusers

  15. Coming into a call for something non violent with your gun drawn and screaming like a scared toddler is just wild.

  16. The amount of chatters bootlicking for the cop while the obvious m.o. for a call of "someone possibly impersonating an officer" is to go up to the suspect and calmly ask them for their i.d.

    US pigs just wake up every day praying they can put a boot on someone's neck and/or a gun in someone's face.

  17. Holy shit the cop arresting the ATF agent is the most emotional man I’ve ever seen in my life. Somebody please check on that man’s wife. I promise you he’s part of the 40%. Mans definitely gone off more than a few times, loaded on miller light after his favorite sports team lost and left a few holes in the kitchen cabinets. He literally sounds like he’s on roids, but I’d be willing to bet he’s just like that.

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