
When Dumb Employees Get Arrested At Work


When Dumb Employees Get Arrested At Work

#Dumb #Employees #Arrested #Work

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47 thoughts on “When Dumb Employees Get Arrested At Work”

  1. Believing she could push that moped faster than a cop could run and think you are going to get away was impressive, like thinking you can fly when jumping off a building 😂

  2. I've been having money issues because I haven't been working lately
    So I decided to steal from the person who gave me a job and an income. Perfectly logical thinking

  3. What is the difference between being arrested and being detained, they should not be able to detain you if you are not Under Arrest. This sounds like doublespeak to me, if you cannot go about your business you are Under Arrest, someone needs to take this all the way to the Supreme Court.

  4. 10:22 I've had it with the loudmouth black guy. First of all, anybody who refers to women as females is trash. The reason shes on the ground is because she ran and the reason the cops are scared of black people is because they've just decided they don't want to act right. I'm so fucking sick of people just doing whatever the fuck they want to and then being surprised that there are consequences for their actions. You live in a fucking society. You do not get to do whatever you want. 24/7. You don't see this shit in fucking Scandinavia, do you?

  5. I work for a big company and I had a drawer every night I had to balance my drawer $$ and I am responsible if I am off any $$$ . So my question is does Walmart do the same thing ? And if they don’t maybe they should ….

  6. This video would be better if you either kept your comments to yourself or put them in the “comments” section where they belong. Either way, thumbs DOWN for this video.

  7. I kind of felt a little bit sorry for her if I was her boss i would have said look you have had a bit to drink go home and come back tomorrow

  8. 6:35 woman here is actually right its low cc so if shes actually using it on the sidewalk like she says here the cops cant do anything that would be like a cop coming up to you and giving you shit for not having plates on a bmx bike

  9. “Your afraid” give me a break. These guys deal with this garbage everyday and Rich Karen’s. They aren’t afraid

  10. The loud mouthed guy in the moped clip, should of went to jail for threatening, and intimidating behavior towards an officer.

  11. so she’s drunk at work, her fault 100%, but liek why don’t they just take her home like she clearly can’t drive

  12. The second one is a great example of racism alright against white people, especially police officers doing their jobs.

  13. It'd be cool if there were timestamps for each segment so we could easily skip any of the videos that we've seen before

  14. That first one didn’t deserve to have police called. The woman that wouldnt let her use the phone is just a petty karen.

  15. using the racism card because you broke the law is peak stupid, makes the people who are ACTUALLY impacted by racism seem like they are over reacting. WHEN THEY ARENT

  16. Last guy is exactly how all criminals should act. If you are knowingly doing something wrong you know there are consequences. I think homie made a mistake but he seems like a real good guy actually

  17. That second one, I think she honestly believed that because Door Dash said that it is ok to use Mopeds to deliver food she thought it was legal.
    Which in some way goes to explain why so many people online suck up disinformation as if it was the truth.

  18. Nailine should get into doing Nails, she could have a line of stores one day….. nominative determinism.

  19. That second video is so hard to watch. Luckily black people cant be racist or that would have been offensive

  20. Omg ! Just how dumb are these people, I can see if someone took $20 or $40 but thousands and everybody knows how Walmart record everything. I think the reason she looked for the job was to steal. I’ve been desperate before so I found a job with some less then honest people named Guido, Frankie, Johnny, to make fast money.

  21. I’m so tired of people throwing the race card. Grow up and take accountability for your actions. White, black, brown, whatever your race. Get your shit together and stop being a victim.

  22. Resisting arrest while screaming "Im not resisting arrest" is in fact still considered resisting arrest.

  23. Because I am black white brown yellow green! Please get over yourself it is 2024 wake up your color does not matter anymore!!!!!!

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