
When Dumb Criminals Think They’re Above The Law


When Dumb Criminals Think They’re Above The Law

#Dumb #Criminals #Theyre #Law

Believing they’re above the law, these dumb criminals are in for a reality check. Here are shocking cases of dumb criminals who thought they were above the law.
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🔍 Episode Overview:
On March 20th, 2022. In La Crosse, Wisconsin. Police were called to a hotel to remove a man from the establishment who was getting into a fight with a hotel staff member. It was also reported that the male identified as 24-year-old Rhett Sarver was dropping needles all over the place. When the police arrived at the scene, they found Rhett who appeared to be yelling in the parking lot.

On January 21st, 2023, authorities were called to a nightclub to address a commotion. Upon arrival, an officer observed a group of rowdy individuals outside the establishment. A bystander approached the officer, reporting that a man identified as Trent was the primary instigator of the commotion, allegedly grabbing another person’s backpack repeatedly. After gathering statements from witnesses, the officer approached Trent, who was behaving erratically and trying to distance himself from others by claiming he was speaking to his mom.

On October 23rd, 2022, officers were dispatched in reference to a report of a male loitering in a parking lot outside an establishment. The officer approached the man, identified as Aldo, who was fervently in search of his lost phone.

On February 16th, 2022, , law enforcement sprung into action following a report of a severely intoxicated passenger, identified as Stephen, who was causing chaos at an airport, clashing with airline staff. The moment police made contact with the suspect, he immediately launched into a tirade, hurling curses and accusations at the officers right off the bat.

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📣 Disclaimer: In today’s world, where conversations about law enforcement are often misleading and politically charged, our featured content aims to present law enforcement interactions within their true contexts, emphasizing education over public shaming or ridicule. We believe it’s crucial to inform and educate the public by showcasing these interactions as they truly are, avoiding degradation of the individuals involved, and contributing to a more informed and respectful discourse.
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6 thoughts on “When Dumb Criminals Think They’re Above The Law”

  1. What is it with the privileged stereotypical demographic needing their mommies? You’re a friggin’ adult! Grow the eff up and be accountable and responsible. Oh, oh I forgot…. When you’re used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like oppression. Poor baby. Welcome to the real world. It’s about time you joined the rest of us. 🙄

  2. Of all the names out there, "Rhett" has to be the lamest of lame names ever created. Even worse than "Ann". And i should know

    Those cops were so kind and patient with him, I've said it before: patience is the best quality in law enforcement. You'll never be on the wrong side of the judicial system if you are a patient cop.

  3. trents arrest is prime example that if your friend is being detained to back away. his friends crowding, yelling, and following him is what’s triggering him to continue to pace around causing the cops to use force.

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