
When Do You Have to Identify Yourself to the Cops!? 👮‍♂️ #LawyerReacts #KnowYourRights


When Do You Have to Identify Yourself to the Cops!? 👮‍♂️ #LawyerReacts #KnowYourRights

#Identify #Cops #LawyerReacts #KnowYourRights

What if you’re being detained or you’re under arrest? Do you have to identify yourself to the cops? If you’re being arrested or are suspected of a crime, you are required to identify yourself in most states.

However, if you are not being arrested and are not suspected of a crime, you are not required to identify yourself to the police. This includes if you’re a passenger in a car that has been pulled over for a traffic stop. The officer has to be able to describe what crime you’re reasonably suspected of.

criminal lawyer , When Do You Have to Identify Yourself to the Cops!? 👮‍♂️ #LawyerReacts #KnowYourRights, arrested,attorney reacts,constitutional rights,criminal justice,criminal rights,defense lawyer,detained,know your rights,lawyer,lawyer reacts,we the people

20 thoughts on “When Do You Have to Identify Yourself to the Cops!? 👮‍♂️ #LawyerReacts #KnowYourRights”

  1. You are innocent until proven guilty.
    Can cops really slam handcuffs on an innocent person…
    That does not sound like it should be part of the judicional process…

  2. I think it's a crime police commit when they say for "police safety" they force you to give them your ID. Violating your rights and not caring.

  3. But you must provide an ID if you're in a car when they pull you over. That's the law, even in Texas.

  4. The more you get into knowing the laws, the more you realize how little freedom you actually have in America.

  5. The jails would be full of mutes if you had to speak when cuffed. They can pat you down. If you have id they can it. But if you don't talk all they can do is bring you in. When cops just want to harass you they get ticked when you won't speak. Now they have to bring you in and then you can demand the body cam and the report and file the suit. They can let you go at the scene after they ID you and it doesn't ever go anywhere unless you have a cam on.

  6. Your not required to say anything if you're arrested not even your name,You have the right to remain silent , period.

  7. Wrong before arrest you have to if they intiate any traffic stop or detain you you have to this so calle lawyer ia anothe lefist cop hater

  8. What if u no that u commited no crim and u r being unlawfully kidnapped and falsely imprisoned? What about then

  9. Is it like a 'contract' with the police force if you volunteer your personal information as in your name, address, and why you are where you are?

  10. Ohio is one of the states that require you to ID, but even then, they still need reasonable, articulable suspicion of a crime before they can legally demand it.

    States like Texas don't have a stop and ID law, which means you only have to ID once lawfully arrested.

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