
What’s the worst thing an ex has done to you after a breakup?


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lawyers near me , What’s the worst thing an ex has done to you after a breakup?


9 thoughts on “What’s the worst thing an ex has done to you after a breakup?”

  1. Oh hey i actually have an answer for this!

    My ex asked me to come over and try to reconcile. I really just needed company because my parents were out of town visiting family. At the end of the night he says "you know, its for the best you're not with me anymore because I'm mentally unstable. Last october (my birth month), i put a bullet in my pistol and pointed it at my head." This obviously sent me into hysterics and ruined my already shitty day.

    To add insult to injury, this was the day after I found out my grandfather passed away, which he knew. Right before i left he offered his condolences.

  2. She tried getting with a guy the first time we met after the breakup (about 1 month after). In fairness she also tried set me up with a girl who was hanging with said guy, but it was just so fucking weird and pretty shitty of her

  3. Ngl pretty sure somebody lying about you assaulting them (se×ually or not) should be grounds to get the authorities involved. Can't they get sued for defamation?

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