
What’s Next for Donna Adelson? | Opening Statements with Julie Grant


What’s Next for Donna Adelson? | Opening Statements with Julie Grant

#Whats #Donna #Adelson #Opening #Statements #Julie #Grant

What’s next for accused killer Donna Adelson in the death of son-in-law Dan Markel? #CourtTV’s Julie Grant previews her next court appearance, plus 2Pac’s murder suspect might be released from jail, and the murder retrial begins for Erica Stefanko in the #PizzaDeliveryMurderTrial.

00:00 Opening Statement
15:19 What’s Next for Donna Adelson?
28:24 Opening Statements Spotlight

#donnaadelson #2pac #ericastefanko #PizzaDeliveryMurderTrial #danmarkel

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36 thoughts on “What’s Next for Donna Adelson? | Opening Statements with Julie Grant”

  1. She's justifying her brother brutally attacking a judge, and did not even mention the crimes he committed. Look, sorry he has issues, but she only made a case against setting this guy free. Her brother committed terrible crimes AND attacked Judge brutally. Seriously. We need to stop excusing criminals and their behavior, including Keefe D. I agree with you about Keefe D and his hard criminal background

  2. Oh Donna how’s it feel to be SHACKLED ? Exactly what she DESERVES! Enjoy the rest of your days in prison! TICKTOCK WENDY! You’re NEXT!

  3. This happened 25 minutes from me. She’ll NEVER TALK, & that MAGGOT of a husband is hopefully meeting his maker !

  4. There were eough believers that believed Elvis was still alive, even after his publized death. Are there enough people out there that believe 2Pac is alive? And nothing for nothing, the only reason why the court system would be interested in this case would be to get in front of the camera to make a name for themselves, it has nothing to do with justice and the people in the courts that know they are on camera, get to make a studio mark for themselves, the new parh to fame. Lastly, aren't the Cripes the ones that developed the system of using a confirmed dead corpes to pose as the one the public sees as dead, so they can put people of great importance in places of safety? Rotating them logs. How many people actually believe 2Pac is actually dead?

  5. The father and son shouldn’t be being charged … It sounds like self defence ! The guy on their property sounds like he was a loose cannon .. Who carries a machete and attempts to use it on someone else’s property ..

  6. Wendi will NOT be convicted for having played any part whatsoever in her husband Dan Markel’s murder. Simply because she had no hand, act, or part in it. That is a fact,

  7. Why were the Lindlers' arrested??? Sounds like self defense from someone who's mentally ill…😮😮😮

  8. Does anyone know when Donna will next appear in court since her last court date was postponed due to weather??

  9. The system didn’t fail the criminal who attacked the judge , his self control has failed throughout his criminal life

  10. My heart goes out to Jennifer Dulos five children. How devastated they must feel losing both parents.
    All for the father to take a lover.
    What happened to divorce? Oh yes I forgot people don't want to pay alimony or child maintenance.
    What a poor excuse for murder.

  11. Family need to stop making excuses for him! He’s not mad he’s bad, no one betrayed him, he betrayed those he hurt

  12. Donna states “everyone looks to protect you” referring to protecting Wendi. If Wendi is so innocent why exactly is this family looking to protect her? What might they be protecting her from? Innocent and uninvolved folks shouldn’t need insulating protection. Lmao that statement should be evidence of Wendi being a full fledged member of that conspiracy and clearly the very center of the motive too.

  13. I wonder if the judge lets him plea down like they allowed when he attacked someone else?
    I doubt it, because we are less worth than they are.

  14. Wendi whining to everybody around her is the reason for this crime….
    so typical… play the victim and keep whining about your ex and tell everybody how bad he is…. and took your kids
    somebody will step up and save you from your monster…if not the brother it would have been a new boyfriend later on…

  15. goodness the crazy RE-scheduling scheduling court system. They ONLY lost ONE DAY due to weather, leave it to RED TAPE WRANGLING….Just push ANY & ALL things out by ONE DAY, not 3 WHOLE WEEKS! I know i'm "over-simplifying", but lordy, that's TOO much time to delay for what will probably amount to a 10 minute hearing…. BTC

  16. How interesting that Donna said “they’re not finished with this family” – I’d not heard that before – I infer from her comment (rather than “they’re not finished with us/the two of us” that shes implying Harvey’s and Wendi’s involvement, which most people have already concluded given the volume of circumstantial evidence that is available. ⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️+⚖️⚖️

  17. What does it mean that she is an unidicted co conspirator? Is that a legal catagory? Is it a police or a court designation?
    It will be hard for her to testify against her mother. Maybe she will take the fifth?

  18. Thank you Julie!!!!! Bringing us the case updates we all need to know!!!!!!!!!!! Love the show, you are awesome 🎉

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