
What Should You Do If You Find a TRACKER on Your Car!? 🚗👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts


What Should You Do If You Find a TRACKER on Your Car!? 🚗👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts

#Find #TRACKER #Car #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts

What should YOU do if you find a police tracker on your car?

Cops have gotten search warrants on someone who removed their trackers and stored them in their home, saying they committed theft. The findings with the search warrant was thrown out, as the courts determined the citizen wasn’t intending to commit a crime.

But, it’s best to not get into litigation with the cops, so what should you do? If it were me, the tracker would pull a disappearing act. It would fly off on the side of the road or in a public trash can. What would your tracker do? Let me know in the comments!

criminal lawyer , What Should You Do If You Find a TRACKER on Your Car!? 🚗👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts, attorney reacts,constitution,constitutional rights,fourth amendment,know the law,know your rights,lawyer reacts,protect your rights,we the people

36 thoughts on “What Should You Do If You Find a TRACKER on Your Car!? 🚗👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts”

  1. Well I’m guessing they have a warrant to track me so i would stop whatever it is I’m doing attach it to a big rig and then contact you to represent me cause I’m sure my arrest would be next

  2. If law enforcement posted GPS tracker on a vehicle, that is a clear violation of the Fourth Amendment…. It is also a case of racketeering because the officers would be guilty of attempting to create a criminal environment to falsely arrest an individual….. For that would be the same as planting of evidence…
    But as we all know law enforcement has a long history are these kinds of stupid games…
    I guess you're not happy dropping an eight ball of coke that they procured from the evidence vault to put in somebody's car that they don't like just so they can arrest them..
    Or smashing tail lights and removing license plates from vehicles just so they can write citations…

    Let's face it this is one more toy for law enforcement to play games with the public and create problems that don't already exist…
    Don't tell me the police aren't corrupt this proves it….
    Any cop shop that would use a tracker in violation of constitutional law and to attempt to arrest somebody for theft for possessing one of these little doohickeys…
    That is Criminal conspiracy playing and simple….
    Making law enforcement the criminals, which is nothing new!!!

    It's been set for a long time that members of law enforcement cannot be trusted, they're habitual liars… Even to the point of perjury in court just to perpetuate the LIE!!!

    I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen but I have reached the point in my life well I will not trust an officer on any point if he's testifying in court he better have corroborating evidence to support his testimony otherwise I will assume because of the far too many instances of law enforcement, not only blatantly lying to members of the public to achieve an end but also lying to their supervisors lying on citations lying on official reports and perjuring themselves in court all the perpetuate their false statement in order to convict someone wrongly…

    The fact that many instances have recently been overturned of individuals convicted based on the testimony of officers, and nothing else….
    I'll say again unless an officer can provide corroborating evidence that hasn't been manufactured to support his story, I will deem him or her, a habitual liar!

  3. Was anything damaged, including paint, during installation and removal?
    IMHO, they won't pay.

  4. You can get a radar jammer and i thought i read that it jams the tracking devices and internet and North Star from tracking your car

  5. If I found a gps tracker on my car or my Wife's car,that tracker would disappear quicker than the mob did Jimmy Hoffa like in the sewer.

  6. If it’s the cops.. and I wasn’t under some official investigation …I’d try to sue them..

  7. According to Tennessee law which is where I live, they can legally be removed and they cannot get a warrant to come in your house in order to find it.

  8. For starters, post a notice that anything that someone attaches to my car, or property, instantly becomes my property.

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