
What law will stop criminals from breaking the law? #guncontrol


What law will stop criminals from breaking the law?  #guncontrol

#law #stop #criminals #breaking #law #guncontrol

criminal law , What law will stop criminals from breaking the law? #guncontrol, Law,Criminal,Gun control

46 thoughts on “What law will stop criminals from breaking the law? #guncontrol”

  1. They want to prevent crime….sadly impossible. Cops are for after a crime has been comitted, not before. Thats what a bodyguard is for and hate to tell people they arent that wealthy. So…..whats your options? Ban guns……stabbings are a thing…..ban knives…..blunt force trauma ever heard of it?

    Whats the other option, buy a gun, get a concealed carry, learn to use it and practice often so that mfers like this can be stopped where he stands when he makes good on the creepy threats he makes from a youtube video.

  2. People literally expect law breaking individuals to just randomly follow the law… what the hell. Lol. If everyone has a gun to outnumber the bad guy then the problem is solved, just saying.

  3. When I lived in Brazil (just using a personal anecdote here) I bought a full auto ak47 with 2000 rounds and 6 new magazines for $USD3k. I was not legally allowed to own this firearm in Brazil for a couple reasons. I did not have a firearn permit, and 2 the firearm is illegal for ANYONE to own outside of police or military. And in Brazil, at that time, firearms were so heavily regulated there that they all may as well as been illegal all together. And guess who told me where to buy this sort of thing…a police detective friend of mine.
    Just pointing out that just because something is illegal throughout the country doesnt mean that it will stop people from owning it.

  4. There is no place you can legally buy a gun without a background check. You fill out state and federal forms.

  5. So if we make private transfers illegal, gangbangers and other career criminals will stop selling each other guns, and people will stop stealing guns, as if they don't already do that illegally. The only part of that plan that isn't insane is that victims will be disarmed.

  6. What is this "gun culture" you want to "rein in", and how do you propose to do that?


  7. No guns should be sold anywhere for anyone. Only government should have access to guns. Make police respond quickly….

    Take all guns away from people. If the government shouldn't be trusted for simple task then its your problem, You chose bad government.

  8. This guy is an ADMITTED SCHOOL SHOOTER, and wants to dictate that WE LAWFUL CITIZENS CAN'T HAVE GUNS to defend ourselves FROM HIM???


  9. Something goodbye thinks about. If people can make their own guns, you give me a machine shop in my basement and I could duplicate any gun but you ever been made from any country I do not believe in a bunch of gun laws which serve no purpose. I've owned a gun ever since I was 9 years old and I am in my late 60s

  10. Thats everyone's point. If the criminals can get guns illegally and use them illegally. Why can't I have one… It seems that they are making the innocent more and more vulnerable.

  11. Even if all guns were illegal, criminals would still have access. The only ones that wouldnt, are law abiding citizens. 🤦‍♀️ Cocaine is illegal, doesn't mean nobody has access to it. Ignorance at its finest.

  12. ALL and I mean ALL guns sold by a vendor at a gun show are required by law to a criminal background check. PERIOD.

  13. The background check at gun shows is wrong. Secondly, he said he is a felon, so he isn’t above breaking the law to do nefarious things. It’s a him issue, not a gun issue….

  14. “i can break the laws very easy so we should have more laws i can easily break” that makes sense

  15. During my 28 years in a career in building construction. I noticed a that the guys that were anti 2A. Including a guy that told me the constitution was to old to take seriously. Were mostly convicted felons, or convicted domestic violence offenders. And could not own a firearm.

  16. Someone who makes shit decisions has no right telling me or anyone else how to live. So because you can't control yourself we can't have guns? Fuck off

  17. A violent felon asking less law-abiding citizens to be able to protect themselves says all you need to know of course criminals want less guns 😂

  18. I mean clearly it’s not the guns it’s the people’s with bad mind sets he clearly said I’m a school shooter so he clearly is saysing guns don’t kill we do and I’m so lost in this world that I’m shot yo a place because I can get a gun

  19. yes. He is right. Us people, and law officials need to make sure people who cant own a gun cant get one. Getting a gun without a license is easier then getting drugs.

  20. He only said that background checks were so weak in otherwise legal stores that he could very easily obtain a firearm from them

  21. He’s not asking for laws stopping him, there already is one. He’s asking for the laws on guns to be enforced better

  22. I think the biggest problem here, is that there is a school shooter on YouTube lecturing us. As soon as he became a school shooter, I think the US citizens should haven used our 2nd ammendment right immediately. That would have prevented us seeing this bullshit speech.

  23. Yup a predator would love that wouldn't you. Criminals not having to be face to a legal owner of a gun holder who can take you out. You are sick.

  24. People need to start looking up the actual truth instead of just repeating lies that they here from other people that don't like guns. It amazes me that so many people can lie about this stuff and never get in trouble. Can't you get in trouble for posting false things on the Internet but it's Ok to do about firearms. Do your research before you open your mouth and make yourself look stupid.

  25. From Ireland here. His argument doesnt hold up. Ireland doesnt and has never had "gun culture" but our criminals have plenty of them. So saying its only possible because of "gun culture" is bs.

  26. What's wrong with gun control is peaple like this …lieing about the laws that are already on the books…

  27. They always think reigning in legal gun owners and eliminating guns will stop criminals. What has ever stopped criminals and crime?

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