
What is the DC criminal code? Here’s what to know about the overhaul


What is the DC criminal code? Here’s what to know about the overhaul

#criminal #code #Heres #overhaul

President Joe Biden said last week that he will sign the Republican resolution, which passed the Senate 81-14 after passing the House last month.

The Senate on Wednesday voted to invalidate a controversial plan that would overhaul the District of Columbia’s criminal code, approving a resolution to nullify a D.C. law for the first time in three decades.

The disapproval resolution, which has already passed the House, required a simple majority to clear the Senate, and was approved by a vote of 81 to 14. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer was among the Democrats who supported the resolution, though he told reporters Tuesday it was a “close question.”

President Biden has said he will sign the measure, angering many House Democrats who voted against it last month with the assumption that he would ultimately veto it.

The resolution overturns the D.C. Revised Criminal Code Act of 2022, which was approved by the district’s Council last November and would have ushered in the first sweeping changes to the criminal code in 100 years. The bill reduced the maximum sentences for some offenses such as carjackings and robberies, and eliminated most mandatory minimum sentences. Advocates argued the changes better reflected what sentences were actually handed down in the district and represented a much-needed update to the city’s antiquated criminal code.

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser vetoed the legislation amid concerns it would not improve public safety in the nation’s capital and burden courts. The council unanimously voted to override her veto, and the update to the criminal code was set to take effect in 2025.

Congress, which under federal law can invalidate a proposed district law, then moved to intervene through a resolution of disapproval introduced in the Republican-led House. The measure rejecting the revamp to D.C.’s criminal code cleared the lower chamber with bipartisan support — 31 House Democrats voted with Republicans in favor of the resolution.

D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson attempted to forestall further congressional action, announcing Monday that he withdrew the controversial legislation. But a Senate leadership aide said the vote on the resolution would proceed as planned despite Mendelson’s efforts.

If the resolution is enacted, it will be the first time in 30 years that Congress has nullified a local D.C. law.

While many Democrats, including Mr. Biden, support statehood for D.C. and believe the district’s elected representatives should govern its local affairs, some have raised concerns about crime rates in D.C. and other major cities. The president highlighted a change included in the council’s plan that would lower penalties for carjackings as one of his objections to the overhaul.

Elevating concerns about crime, the House vote came the day Rep. Angie Craig, a Democrat from Minnesota, was assaulted in the elevator of her D.C. apartment building. Craig defended herself from the attacker and police arrested 26-year-old Kendrid Hamlin in connection with the incident. Hamlin has been accused of several crimes around the Capitol Hill area dating back to 2015.

Craig supported the disapproval resolution in the House and, in an interview with CBS News congressional correspondent Nikole Killion on Wednesday, called Mr. Biden’s decision to sign the measure the “right” one.

“Everyone deserves to feel safe in their own community, and I think the really interesting thing in the process that I’m taking away from my own assault here in D.C. is this intersection of mental illness, of addiction, of homelessness and public safety,” she said.

Craig said the assault gave her “a real perspective on public safety and just all the complicated ways in which we’re asked to make these public policy decisions.”

The support from the president and Schumer is expected to clear the way for more Senate Democrats to back the resolution. But Mr. Biden’s decision to back the GOP-led resolution has frustrated others in his party, including Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton, the district’s nonvoting representative in the House.

Norton said in a statement last week that allowing the disapproval resolution to take effect “would empower the paternalistic, anti-democratic Republican opposition to the principle of local control over local affairs,” and noted that in an initial statement of administration policy, the White House said it opposed the resolution.

The statement from the White House budget office said the measure was an example of “how the District of Columbia continues to be denied true self-governance and why it deserves statehood,” but did not say that Mr. Biden would veto the resolution if it arrived on his desk. The statement was issued before Mr. Biden said he would sign the measure.

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38 thoughts on “What is the DC criminal code? Here’s what to know about the overhaul”

  1. Did that anchor just call elected officials “many Democrat senators”?? He should definitely understand the issue.

  2. More laws, regulations and restrictions: Republicans have only themselves to blame. And Donald Trump: for his tacit approval of violence. The stink from the January 6th "petit-mal" will be the demise of Donald Trump.

  3. Think of what an incredible country this would be if we had actual, real leaders serving the interests of the American people instead of this current cabal of self-serving narcissists and degenerates. I bet we wouldn’t have a chemical weapons manufacturer controlling our food supply and our children wouldn’t have been coerced into a state sanctioned pharmaceutical experiment. My God what a horrific nightmare we are living in.

  4. Can we please make it so that our politicians are bound by the same laws as the rest of us? It would be so nice if politicians got arrested and sent to jail when they commit crimes, that way they would have an incentive to stop engaging in so much criminal behavior.

  5. It is good that Mitch was able to get a conservative majority Supreme Court and now the public safety law in DC. We cannot have the Capitol of the US one of the most dangerous cities in the country thereby keeping citizens from visiting the peoples' house. And yes the George Floyd BLM riots were far worse than Jan 6 but it was seen as social justice and therefore acceptable. No it was not.

  6. this creep was quoted as saying something like "we need a needle in every arm" during the false emergency…

  7. This is the dumbest bill ever your just unleashing criminals to commit crimes against people in that city coming from someone who lives in a bad neighborhood in NYC by passing this ridiculous bill you’ll see a major spike in minor crimes and by the spike in these crimes though minor you’re putting innocent people in danger and you’ll putting people into predicaments meaning people fighting against perpetrators that are trying to rob harm assault etc it’s sad that they blatantly show that they don’t care about cities like this and the people who live in them hard working taxpayers law abiding citizens will now really have to worry every-time they leave their homes

  8. It shouldn't be his decision it should be the house decision they should vote who is he to make that kind decision he can even wipe his butt

  9. It shouldn't be reliable for each county to be that decision we should make this decision in the house and direct it to all nations of the United States all cities for we the people is what we want not what they want

  10. How did no one in this video say what the details of the overhaul? Who gives a crap which people vote for or against when you dont say what the bill does? Might as well say there is a vote on a bill and some will vote for and some will vote against. Crappy reporting

  11. If there were any kind of law in DC then they would start with Biden, Schumer and McConnell and Romney, Schiff and start locking them up for treason and crime's against humanity.


  13. These guys always get to think that they’re more special than the rest of the United States. They must have law and order there but to hell with the safety of citizens throughout the rest of the country. Mitch saying DC is special and must have safety…. Hello that’s what we have been begging for for the whole rest of the country!! We all want safety Mitch…. Duh

  14. Can any mainstream media cover the Jim Crow laws trying to be reinstated in Mississippi

  15. I need to know what's the why and where for of this bill because the only part they are revealing is a rollback on the penalty for car jacking and that I can not understand without the details.

  16. Cannot trust D.C. every Democrat owns property in District of Columbia they have been trying to create another electoral vote

  17. Let everyone reap the benefits of their stupidity. And what Democracy? This country has no Democracy. Oh my gosh, this gross.

  18. I find it interesting how (((they))) expect protection under the same laws and statutes "persons" believe apply to them.

  19. Breaking news people are mad about some bs here’s a map showing the bs and here’s Evan to talk about some bs

  20. Sounds like they are scared
    America has had enough of their bull crap and they are scared of us now !

  21. You made a soap opera out of this story instead of informing us about the content of proposed law change. Try reporting for a change.

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