
What is the Court Process of a Criminal Case?


What is the Court Process of a Criminal Case?

#Court #Process #Criminal #Case

Have you ever wondered how a criminal case starts and what happens once we file charges? Please check out this whiteboard video about the life cycle of a criminal case.
criminal law , What is the Court Process of a Criminal Case?, rivconow,riverside county,riverside county courts,court process,rivcoda,prosecution,court case,prosecute,defense,criminal case,criminal court case,court,criminal court,attorney,defense attorney,criminal attorney,DDA,Deputy District Attorney

25 thoughts on “What is the Court Process of a Criminal Case?”

  1. I know of a trial in Marin County, where the defendant was charged with a felony. He was prosecuted before a a jury. The jury heard the case and the head juror expressed his respect for the defendant and did not find the defendant Guilty. Nor did anyone else find the defendant guilty.

    But the Judge acted as if the Jury found the defendant Guilty and granted probation with no sentence imposed. The probation was for three years and was served by the defendant with no ever sentence imposed or modified. The case was dismissed and set aside and the status of the defendant was as if he was never prosecuted.

    However Marin County , and criminals like Kamala Harris try to get extra bonuses for the DA and others and refuse to follow the clear California law.

    I can give the precise details if anyone wishes.

  2. What about the Constitution you sure don't talk about the Constitution of the United States very much for a sworn taken out to uphold it and defend it none of you seem to be defending it very much in your tribunal commercial courtrooms so how does that work out when there is no victim you get the state on the stand and then in the state pleads how victimized and how wrong they feel by a victimless crime by somebody harming nobody other than themselves if you want to look at it that way huh what happens then how come how come I don't have a chance to face my accuser in a victimless crime that's b***** but yet you guys are Prosecuting to the fullest every time look at your state for crying out loud your state is nothing but drug offenses that you guys are circulating revolving doors Most states in the country are the same way it's pretty sad incarcerated and over Rehabilitation. It's pretty damn sad and you guys none of you none of you in the law enforcement which is funny into itself because you guys didn't force nothing but statutes and codes for your corporation and what laws are you actually upholding in a victim was crime laws common laws God's law which ones are you upholding none I mean please correct me if I'm wrong Point by point

  3. This is a good video, I just wished it could've gone into more detail especially with what some of the terms mean, but it's a quick summary

  4. That black/white image is yin yang. It's a symbol used in the New Age Movement. Choose Christ at all times.

  5. the attorney the judge the defense the bailiff are paid by the plantiff , the fictional corporation , the county of riverside

  6. Popele always people always guilty when they get in trouble and it should do their time and they know that I got to get out if they get bailed out or or

  7. I got arrested the state trooper lied in the affidavit he swore up for my arrest, the county attorney has known for two years about it. The attorney that was my public defender would not file a motion to suppress the warrantless arrest. What type of motion to sanction the attorney that was defending me and the county attorney who is prosecuting me for violating my Sixth Amendment Right.

  8. "Our job as prosecutors is to stand up for victims of crime."
    We're not dumb. We all know your job is to get a conviction lmao

  9. If any of this were true why is it ever "necessary" to falsify transcripts in felony court cases? Words phrases, sentences and whole exchanges may be deleted or replaced to create a fictional narrative. more pleasing to the eminent Esquires of the ABA and their acolytes. If it denies meaningful appeal to the defendant, so what? If it dupes the jury into being useful idiots,they' ll never know. The public has placed the justice system in blind trust so what complaint have they?

  10. Welcome to Fantasy Island. The RCDAO is a self serving juggernaut where ADAs advance their careers by racking up the most convictions and harshest sentences, regardless of evidence or societal tort. To meet their political quotas, they prey on the poor and disenfranchised who must rely on the underfunded public defender's office where the innocent are coerced into accepting pleas deals to avoid the certainty of imprisonment wrought by overzealous ADA.

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