
What is the average cost of a divorce in Colorado


#average #cost #divorce #Colorado

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divorce lawyers near me , What is the average cost of a divorce in Colorado


6 thoughts on “What is the average cost of a divorce in Colorado”

  1. I had a good lawyer. I'm 52 years old and I've been married for 26 years. But I had a very ill-advised marriage when I was 20 years old. By the age of 21, we were getting a divorce. We had no assets, and we were fighting over stupid junk like microwaves and side tables. Her lawyer in my lawyer were friends since we came from a small town in Indiana. They yelled at us, put us in a conference room together, and told us not to come out until we decided who's getting what. I look back now, and I can see they were being adults and we were being children.

  2. scumbag lawyer only wants cake work, tries to sell it as if hes doing you a favor. Who controls the cost of a hearing? HE DOES! lol. idiots.

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