
What if You DON’T Tell the Cops You Have a Gun!? 🔫 #KnowYourRights #FirearmLaws


What if You DON’T Tell the Cops You Have a Gun!? 🔫 #KnowYourRights #FirearmLaws

#DONT #Cops #Gun #KnowYourRights #FirearmLaws

So you live in a must-notify state and you didn’t tell a cop you were carrying when he asked. What are the penalties?

In some states, there are NO penalties for failing to notify an officer. However, in other states, you could get jail time! It truly depends on the state you’re in, so be sure to do a lot of research BEFORE you start conceal carrying.

criminal law , What if You DON’T Tell the Cops You Have a Gun!? 🔫 #KnowYourRights #FirearmLaws, 2A,attorney reacts,criminal defense,firearm laws,firearm owner,gun laws,gun owner,gun rights,know your rights,lawyer reacts,second amendment

25 thoughts on “What if You DON’T Tell the Cops You Have a Gun!? 🔫 #KnowYourRights #FirearmLaws”

  1. The only state that I travel in with a duty to notify is Michifornia. And I don't travel there much.

  2. Having a firearm is a matter of life and death why should anyone tell someone that they have one.

  3. "In Texas there's no penalty"
    "You could lose your CCW license"
    If you ever wonder why this lawyer has so much free time to spend on youtube, this is it. He sucks 😂😂

  4. Pro tip never use the G word during a traffic stop.
    Many officers are trained to draw and mag dump at the sound of the word gun.
    Use soft sounding language like "it" or there is one in the back seat.

  5. What is you live in a state that doesn't require a carry license like Georgie? Also. What I carry my gun out of Georgia?

  6. YesSir
    Open carry is legal in NC.
    Concealed carry has to many unlawful violations of the 2nd
    The 2nd should be my Concealed Carry

  7. How is it "crazy" to have no requirement to notify? It could easily be argued that if Philando Castile hadn't been required to notify, he would still be alive today.

  8. Counselor please find the exception clause in the Second Amendment. Otherwise just please HUSH

  9. If stopped for a traffic infraction, I always give the officer my drivers license, my retired military ID and my concealed carry permit. I have not been stopped very many times (four times in 50 years) but each time the officer thanks me for letting him know everything and only once I got a citation.

  10. Considering the behavior some members of law enforcement…
    Including proclivities for violence and criminal behavior by members who wear badges carry guns batons pepper spray and handcuffs….
    Common sense with dictate that you do not announce your defenses to someone who is potentially going to commit criminal acts against you….
    And yes I am referring to people who call themselves law enforcement…..

    The number of criminal actions against civilian citizens by members of law enforcement has progressively increased over the last several decades…

    Which includes assaults crippling and even killings of civilians buy officers not defending themselves but because their temper their psychotic behavior comes to light….

    It is sad to say that the civilian population of the United States may have more to fear from members of law enforcement then they do from the average Street Thug….

    Something that is unfortunately becoming more and more true…
    Is that there is no atrocity suffered by the citizenry of this nation that cannot be made worse by those in law enforcement…..

    The number and frequency is unbelievable…. Of those victimized by crime in their home on the street carjacked or whatever… Dialing 911 requesting police assistance Constable assistance Sheriff's deputy assistance or the law enforcement personnel and have them show up and actually make matters worse by their condescending behavior their arrogance incompetence stupidity and thuggery…. All by individuals who are supposed to be serving and protecting the public…..
    Who are instead more apt to "kill them all, let God sort them out"…..

    It is certainly no secret that there are many communities in the United States who actually have to have a second thought if something illegal pops up and they are forced to call 911 dreading that possibility when local police or state police show up and cause even worse circumstances than already exist…..

  11. In blue run as in blue governor North Carolina the current governor vetoed the repeal of a Jim Crow law which banned blacks from owning a gun! Glad that we don't have laws like that in the UK!

  12. Yup, if everyone revoked there social security. The government would no longer have any control. They’d be cops without money. They have so many little stipulations to make people look bad. And cops are worse criminals than criminals. It’s about what they can get away with and for a good while people have been sitting down and watching. Your grandparents signed there social security. We are living a mess they created. A mess they should have been smart enough to avoid. Now, everyone is a citizen of Colombia, look up where Washington DC Is located. It parallels. Americans are considered the liabilities for the countries debts. Meaning we are slaves to our government, or to another if they’d wish. This is reality, and it’s hidden beneath so people don’t change it. Because we have the power.

  13. In Nevada, there is no duty to inform the officer you have a firearm. However, I choose to notify the officer and I have never had any issues. Mutual respect goes a long way.

  14. No JUST THE CHANCE YOU CATCH SOME HOT ONES INSTANT TOE TAG!!!! lol yeah plz do not listen to this payaso 🤡 wow !!!! Great advice johnny

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