
What Happens After You Get Charged in Ontario? Toronto Criminal Lawyer Explains.


What Happens After You Get Charged in Ontario? Toronto Criminal Lawyer Explains.

#Charged #Ontario #Toronto #Criminal #Lawyer #Explains

What happens after you get charged criminally in Ontario? How long is the court process? Will you be found guilty? Toronto criminal lawyer, Shayan Shaffie, explains in this short overview of the complete court process.


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Shaffie Law’s Domestic Violence Page

“Hiring the Best Criminal Lawyer for your Case”

A Lawyer’s Guide for Married Couples Facing Domestic Assault Charges in Ontario

Can You get a Criminal Record or Go to Jail for Domestic Violence Charges?

Everything You Need to Know About Domestic Violence Charges in Ontario

Answers to the Five Most Common Questions about Domestic Charges in Ontario

If you cannot afford a lawyer (Legal Aid Ontario)

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#criminalcourt #ontario #whathappens
criminal lawyer , What Happens After You Get Charged in Ontario? Toronto Criminal Lawyer Explains., Criminal Law,Criminal Lawyer,Court Procedures,Domestic Violence,Criminal Cases,Court Case,Toronto Law Firm,Ontario Criminal Charges,Shayan Shaffie

13 thoughts on “What Happens After You Get Charged in Ontario? Toronto Criminal Lawyer Explains.”

  1. Someone who isnt me (SWIM, is how i will refer to this person) assaulted someone, complete stranger, no cameras showing the incident, the person saw SWIM run toward SWIMs property but in no way shape or form saw SWIM actually go into the home or even onto the property as there is a row of THICK cedar trees around the property as well as blocking the view from where the assault took place. There is a parking lot right where they would of last been able to see SWIM run (meaning SWIM could have also ran to a car parked there). =*Backstory*= SWIM had his dog with him during the situation. Stranger was upset SWIM didnt pick up dog poo from a no mans land between two fields (waist high grass no need to pick it up) Stranger then threatened to hit SWIMs dog with a stick he had because SWIMS dog was being aggressive because stranger was yelling and screaming at SWIM. SWIMs dog is trained to protect him. SWIMs dog is part shepard, which SWIM then walked away to nearest pole and tied up his dog and walked back over to stranger confronted him about threatening to hit his dog (SWIM HATES ANIMAL ABUSE), stranger then raised his stick in a threatening manner, same stick that he threatened the dog with. SWIM grabbed the stick with one hand and swung with the other and then swung again as the guy stumbled back knocking him unconscious for a few seconds. SWIM went to check on stranger to make sure he was okay BUT when stranger came to he said he was calling the cops so SWIM ran (SWIM has been beaten past recognition by police before, and was scared for his life around officers, has also had evidence planted on him in the past) The stranger then drove to each of the 3 houses in the area around where he lost sight of SWIM (SWIMs mom told stranger we dont have a GSD) The cops then later showed up at SWIMs house asking if we had security cameras. SWIMs mom (who SWIM informed about the situation) was asked if we had a german shepard SWIMs mom said her son does have a dog but its a mutt not a GSD and he hasnt been home for the last 3 days. Cops asked SWIMs mom for SWIMs name (which she gave because she didnt know she could just say no, also didnt want to make it seem like she was hiding something), Cops then asked to walk around the property to make sure no one was hiding out back. Is it likely that SWIM would have a warrant? Is there enough evidence against SWIM?? Would you be able to check for a warrant for SWIM. SWIM doesnt want to goto the police station and get arrested on the spot if he does have one, he wants to prepare first.

    To top it off the stranger now stalks SWIMs property walking all around it staring into it which has subsided recently, but for months after the event they would do it multiple times a day (assumedly looking for SWIM) SWIM has the license plate of the stranger (incase they need a restraining order) as SWIMs family is scared that he is planning on doing something to them as revenge.

  2. My story is so complicated. Basically framed by my ex girlfriend. Arrested, charged. Jail. Ex ran off with daughter for 6 months. Paying for two lawyers. 50k down the hole. They assume I am guilty. It's obvious what's going on but the police don't care. Even social services caught her lying but told her to continue to avoid repercussion on her end. It's insane. They don't care that my life is getting ruined. They just want to win what they have started.

  3. There is no justice for the poor in Ontario. The destitute may get justice with legal aid, at least there is a chance. The wealthy get justice.

  4. Thank you! What happens if your loved one just released from the hospital and has a mental illness, but you just found out that they were charged a while ago, which you never knew cus of thier illness and their case is going on trial the next day. What to do? Really appreciate if I can message you privately.

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