
What are the basic concepts of Criminal Law?


What are the basic concepts of Criminal Law?

#basic #concepts #Criminal #Law

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LEARN MORE: Torts and crimes are different concepts that guide criminal and civil Laws within societies. In this video, we will examine how interactions between people can be harmful to some, and also what legal tools are there to prevent and punish those who cross the line.

Interested in learning more about Law? Check out our brand new “Law 201” course, available on SFL Academy:

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27 thoughts on “What are the basic concepts of Criminal Law?”

  1. Thank you for the explanation of the basic concepts of Criminal Law

    Very useful and add insight.

  2. Consent to be Governed = Oath of a Public Servant….There is NO such thing as CRIMINAL LAW as per;
    According to the Historical & Revision Notes 1948 Act “ … The "saving to suitors" clause in § 41(3) & 371(3) of title 28, U.S.C., 1940 ed., was changed by substituting the words "any other remedy to which he is otherwise entitled" for the words "the right of a common law remedy where the common law is competent to give it." The substituted language is simpler & more expressive of the original intent of Congress & is in conformity with Rule 2 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure ABOLISHING the distinction between law & equity.” (F.R.C.P. Rule 2. One Form of Action; There is one form of action — the CIVIL action.) Words "libellant or petitioner" were substituted for "suitors" to describe moving party in admiralty cases.

    Black’s Law Dictionary 2nd Edition. defines “Admiralty” as; “A court exercising jurisdiction over maritime causes, both civil & criminal, & marine affairs, commerce & navigation, controversies arising out of acts done upon or relating to the sea, & over questions of prize. Also, the system of jurisprudence relating to & growing out of the jurisdiction & practice of the admiralty courts…. Also, the court of the admiral. The building where the lords of the admiralty transact business. In American law. A tribunal exercising jurisdiction over all maritime contracts, torts, injuries, or offenses….

    (a) Jurisdiction
    The district courts of the United States shall have jurisdiction over any civil action commenced under section 1401 of this title and this section by a COVERED EMPLOYEE.

    a) Filing & review of claims
    Except as otherwise provided, the procedure for consideration of an alleged violation of part A of subchapter II consists of-
    (1) the filing of a claim by the COVERED EMPLOYEE alleging the violation, as provided in section 1402 of this title;

    2 U.S.C. THE CONGRESS 1402: Initiation of procedures
    (a) Claim
    (1) Filing of claim
    To commence a proceeding under this subchapter, a covered employee alleging a violation of law made applicable under part A of subchapter II shall file a claim with the Office. The Office shall not accept a claim which is filed after the deadline applicable under subsection (d)

    (2) Contents of claim
    The claim filed under this section shall be made in writing under OATH or affirmation, shall describe the facts that form the basis of the claim and the violation that is being alleged, shall identify the EMPLOYING OFFICE alleged to have committed the violation or in which the violation is alleged to have occurred, and shall be in such form as the Office requires.

  3. Background sounds…Has anyone had their enjoyment of this video enhanced by all that competing sound over the teacher's voice?

  4. You had better learn the LAW, because ignorance is not an excuse. We’ve all heard this before, but, yet, we are never taught what LAW is. IT IS ALL ABOUT THE LANGUAGE and how its defined

  5. Corrupt Jesuit-educated cocksuckers from Santa Clara University School of Law just follow orders.

  6. I was actually going over "victimless crime" with my friends last week, and while I agreed with drug use not being a good reason to lock someone up (at least, not in the same places as real criminals), I brought up bribery.
    There is no victim in bribery. Indeed. At its core, it's just a simple transaction of money (or promises/services) in exchange for someone else's service.
    But there are social and cultural consequences of some purchases of some "services," which many would find less than healthy for the society as a whole. And thus, such exchanges are outlawed.

    And thus, the fact that a crime does not have an explicit, direct victim does not automatically mean that it is not worthy of being a crime.

  7. This video seems to repeatedly confuse civil and criminal law, as well as being misleadingly titled as such. The legal analysis is correct, but the framing is not especially clear.

  8. We don't want liberty, we want freedom! Liberty is what sailors get when on leave from a ship.. im no sailor or British merchant marine cadet….

  9. How many pages of "laws" we should know and understand to be able to live in compliance with it? How many changes and amendments?

  10. He is right, that it is not only about paying compensation but also about restoring the victim's dignity. Look at time stamp 3:25 .

  11. Doctor Daniel Amen states that 100 % of all crime is dictated by damage to the brain at an early age. This he shows with evidence of correlation with which the acts of violence coincide with early trauma using a spect scanography ensephelograph that studies blood flow and brain activity and where it isnt present… why have we continued allowing the damage in the brain to persist? The current system has extraordinarily proliferated damage to the brain by housing criminals in a toxic, unhealthy and damaging environment. In the prisons made of metal a simple sound is deafening and people are damaged by sound in very subtle and as well very visible ways. Its proven fact. Sound can heal and sound can hurt. Then the lighting is also a factor its CONSTANTLY on making sleep cycles affected so badly that people cannot rest properly. they cannot heal properly either. Add the fact that your humanity is made to become NONEXISTENT as your stripped of your clothes and made naked and worn a smock that's two sizes to small to as appear comical and embarrassingly ridiculous. Add to that the fact your stuck in isolation that you spend housed in a cell for a week to change your behavior… but to what? The preexisting conditions arent GOOD that set to change you by. They arent GOOD by any means. So what are they changing you into if you become incarcerated in such a facility? Nothing good comes from this by any rational logic.

    "Judge not how a society treats its upstanding citizens but by how it treats its common criminals." Dostoevsky

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