
West Memphis Three lawyer breaks silence about 1993 murder case


#West #Memphis #lawyer #breaks #silence #murder #case

A lawyer for the West Memphis Three reveals new details that he says could prove the teenagers’ innocence in the 1993 murder case.

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5 thoughts on “West Memphis Three lawyer breaks silence about 1993 murder case”

  1. "A truck driver, who's possibly a serial killer". Yup…Maybe Stidham should have a talk show with Echols where they discuss their conspiracy theories? I wonder why Misskelley doesn't speak much publicly? He confessed many times. I would be interested to hear what he has to say, not Stidham. Innocence fraud, there are other cases like this. Read Callahan, blog thewm3revelations, there are also different people like William Ramsey, Gary Meece, Roberta Glass, Lisa O'Brien (Based in Fact), BurnAfterReading, who talk about the case.

  2. They are not innocent. Why do they make killers famous? I will never understand. Gypsy Rose used an autistic boy to go down for the crime. Cyntoia Brown shot a man lying down, and she wasn't in any danger. Central Park 5 really did do it. Oj really did do it. The list goes on and on.

  3. A great MUST READ book on this case is called
    "ABOMINATION: Devil Worship and Deception
    in the West Memphis Murders" — which was —
    written BY — famed attorney WILLIAM RAMSEY .

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