
We Need to Outlaw No-Knock Warrants – #shorts


We Need to Outlaw No-Knock Warrants – #shorts

#Outlaw #NoKnock #Warrants #shorts

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34 thoughts on “We Need to Outlaw No-Knock Warrants – #shorts”

  1. Actually they are very necessary. Serving warrants on the people you all fear, and justify your reasoning to carry a handgun – likely ignorant of when to use or not use.

  2. Absolutely !!! Law Enforcement time and again seems to demonstrate the propensity to lean towards no knock warrants at 3 AM when many much easier methods exist, and often being used for low level crimes. Why ? Because it’s action ! The locals have all this surplus military gear , well at least what they haven’t given to the terrorist like the Taliban and they want to dress up , play army and play with their toys

  3. ANY death of inhabitants as a result of no knocks is murder. Any sane person would reach for their gun upon their door being breached. Outlaw welfare checks, exigent circumstances, terry stops, civil asset forfeiture, and qualified immunity while your at it.

  4. Agree completely. I woke up one morning here in Colorado to hear someone trying to kick in my front door. It was a wellness check. I had reinforced the front door, so I had had 3 or 4 good kicks, as warning. When I told him he was trespassing and to leave immediately. Luckily he believed me and left. I had an AR, and I'm sure he was armed. Think twice before asking for a wellness check. It essentially gives the cops an exigent circumstance reason to act like it is equivalent to a no knock warrent.

  5. Totally unconstitutional and never ended well for the recipient nore the server results in a very bad day all-around 🙄 😮

  6. When police get a no knock warrent and then bust in a 4 am which increases the chance that the residents assume they are under attack by criminals. And with the ammount of times police break into the wrong apartment. They have proven themselves too irresponsible to be alloud no knock warrents

  7. Washington State is not a no-knock state.
    Rather a 'knock and wait'.. though, in late or early hours, it's going to result in the same way.

  8. Being a gwot veteran and being intimately familiar with no knock raids I can 100% assure you that most no knock raids are incredibly dangerous for everyone involved. If a person is dug in like a hot tick it's better to smoke them out than to make entry and I think it might actually be worse to go in guns hot for a sleeping person than just banging on the door and grabbing someone half awake from the entry. No knock should only be for the hardest and most dangerous criminals where you need to enter through a window or through another entry point that you create.

  9. i would never make it thru academy because i would never agree to a rat move like a "no-knock" warrant

  10. That's a misnomer cause when you bash a door in your knocking really really loud right before you come in with 9 of your colleges

  11. There's a reason for no knock warrants, do your research. That being said there are several examples of LEO's acting incompetently. The appropriate recourse is to punish them appropriately.

    Reacting with force to a breech into your home, there are probably as many if not more instances of the courts siding with the home owner. You're defending your home.

  12. Im guessing this is stemming from the ATF no-knock raid and killing of the airline executive. You know, the one with ABSOLUTELY ZERO criminal history.

  13. I always have at least one within arms reach at all times. Just becuase i am home doesnt mean i dont carry still. The robber that just kicked in the door isnt going to pause for 30 seconds so you can go grab yours too.

  14. I grew up in Norfolk VA. There was a little old lady who lived in a bad neighborhood and in the middle of the night, her door got kicked in. Grandma slept with a 12 ga shotgun. She sent the cop who kicked her door down right back out the door… Turns out the dumbasses kicked in the wrong door, no knock. Then the dumbasses tried to PROSECUTE her for shooting the cop… She won, but she shouldn't have had to deal with that BS. no knock warrants are stupid and they get citizens and cops killed.

  15. What about the legit criminals though? Like a gang that we know is gonna fight back. Prob best not to knock and let them know you have a warrant…

  16. I agree 100%, no-knock warrants need to stop, but that's like talking to the woke fascist Biden democrat admin which is a brick wall.

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