
We FINGER this criminal! | Ace Attorney: Justice for All [20]


We FINGER this criminal! | Ace Attorney: Justice for All [20]

#FINGER #criminal #Ace #Attorney #Justice

Using Phoenix Wright logic to WIN, and onto case THREE!

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#FINGER #Case3 #aceattorneyjusticeforall
criminal lawyer , We FINGER this criminal! | Ace Attorney: Justice for All [20], lets play,walkthrough,gameplay,egoraptor,danny,game grumps,gamegrumps,funny,arin,letsplay,gaming,let’s play,game play,dan avidan,arin hanson,Game Grumps

49 thoughts on “We FINGER this criminal! | Ace Attorney: Justice for All [20]”

  1. Wow, for once they looked up how they did the voices previously and then DID IT. Growth, Game Grumps!

  2. I will miss turnabout bigtop their exhausted energy and bafflement and every turn brought constant joy

  3. Arin: “Am I supposed to feel bad for this guy?”
    Me: “Acro deserved a better lot in life why did this happen to him!” ugly cries

  4. "My brother was in an accident so I'm going to murder a 16 year old girl" is so not the sympathetic character the game thinks it is. Thank God that dumpster fire of a case is over but Dan and Arin really kept me from feeling like I was going crazy by also pointing out how dumb that whole thing was along the way

  5. Maya…Maya…Acro tried to pin a murder on someone else after doing the murder. Maya, honey…

  6. Seeing Pearly again reminds me… that text box… you can make it transparent………………. in fact, I think you did that once before…
    … guys? ^^; (In fairness, if it isn't transparent by default, that's pretty silly.)

  7. this is the best and worst thing to watch after my wisdom teeth extraction…best bc laughter is the best medicine..worst because every time i laugh it’s OUCH

  8. Nick is handing post trial paper work whilst all these carnival folk are hashing out their futer only to have Mia shout "Nick!" And looks up like, "What? Whats going on?"

  9. Top quotes from today's episode:

    "ISNT NICK LIKE, 24???!!!"

    "Edgeworth! Yes! At last, we can finally get back to our gay shipping."

  10. I accidentally had the video on 1.25x speed during Maya's freakouts and shit got SO INTENSE. I was so impressed at their speed at saying those lines.

  11. I wish when Acro was crying, they made a comment about that looking like milk coming out his eyes, it's what it looked like to me😁

  12. On one of the previous episodes there was a comment referencing the anime bloopers. I would like to add to this and say that every time Edgeworth reappears in the game, all I hear is:

    It’s what you hearin’
    It’s what you hearin’
    X Gon Give it to Ya!
    Fuck Waitin’ for you to get it on your own!
    X Gon Deliver to Ya!

    Has to be one of my favorite bloopers.
    Edit: I forgot to add “Aw Hell yeah dude.”

  13. …Did they skip over the entire plotline where they figure out why Max was talking with the Ringmaster or did I have a stroke at some point?

  14. omfg. how did they not mention milk POURING out of acros eyes!? nor did they make a joke about him not being "able to get up and leave"…. it's like, are you even trying?! 🤣

  15. Edgeworth solved the entire case over a single phone call and let someone else take the credit. It really goes to show how dumb the whole proceeding was.

  16. 28:28 is pure gold (especially since they forgot the reason for the milk was mentioned at one point). 😂
    35:18 Arin said what we were all thinking. (That damn toilet dino song will be stuck in my head until the end of days.)

  17. When looking into Turnabout Big Top, I heard that it was actually the creator's favorite?? I liked the ending and did feel bad for Acro, but its so tedious to play normally and there are SO many leaps, but the next case is so worth it!

  18. 38:53 the fact that their level of spanish is not advanced enough to apreciate it that "juan corridas" could be translated to "jhones nut-bust" is something that will forever pain me.

  19. Not that you've finished the worst case in the series, You get to move on to one of the best!

  20. 14:06 von Karma essentially screwed herself, rather she knew Acro was the killer or not if she didn't search his room he would've gotten away with it

    Acro could've easily kept the bust in his room hidden somewhere and just said Money stashed it there or whatever after cleaning it if need be but because of the police search he had no choice but to hide it under his wheelchair and take it to court with him

  21. One pun that they seemed to miss was Acro and Bat's last name.
    the Dingling Brothers = Ringling Brothers

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