
‘We are making popstars out of teen murderers now’: Row ERUPTS over criminals being publicly named


‘We are making popstars out of teen murderers now’: Row ERUPTS over criminals being publicly named

#making #popstars #teen #murderers #Row #ERUPTS #criminals #publicly #named

Lecturer of Law and Lawyer, Anthony Miller, and Media Commentator, Paula Londin, dispute if naming criminals can result in giving them notoriety rather than serving justice.

#briannaghey #murder #justicesystem #juvenillecrime

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criminal lawyer , ‘We are making popstars out of teen murderers now’: Row ERUPTS over criminals being publicly named, GB news,murder,prison,life sentence,naming,justice,anonymity,protection,fame,LGBTQ+,transgender

20 thoughts on “‘We are making popstars out of teen murderers now’: Row ERUPTS over criminals being publicly named”

  1. Says the channel that makes celebrities out of people that spew bile and hatred in line with their bigoted opinions. GB news is complicit in this crime

  2. It’s odd that it is acceptable to name victims in the press. Who died in an inhumane way. Give their families no privacy and protection from trolls. Yet, protect criminals identities.

  3. They shouldn't come out of prison until they aren't alive, then they come out in a box. They should be named, may not show their faces

  4. THe question of naming or not naming is difficult. What needs to be done is figure out which of the two would be worse for them and do that. If they get a hype out of the notoriety and the clicks on their facebook page, keep their names secret. If they enjoy the annonymity, publish their names and faces.

    I used to be without hesitation in favour of naming and shaming, until several years back in Germany, when they criminal joyrider Erkan got arrested, convicted and deported to his home country, Turkey. He was received like a celebrity and was given a record contract. Since that instance, I have been very warry about publishing the names of criminals. But at no point would I ever advocate for keeping them annonymous for their protection. It is about time our politicians and legal system stops valuing the rights of criminals over the rights of their victims.

  5. Like the media ? Keep ramming these stories down our throats then say “ooh everyone knows their names “
    This is the world of the internet…we all knew who it was and their names ….

  6. The only ones putting these two in the headlines is the media themselves as click bait to get money from advertising. Disgusting

  7. The slogan for Quentin Tarantino's movie "Natural born Killers" has become a reality…

    "The Media made them superstars".

  8. calling them famous is a bit of a stretch its more like infamy and they will have to deal with that remember its not just the public who sees these news stories every single prisoner is going to know who that is when they step onto the landing they are fucked probably will get extorted probably hold a few bangs too

  9. The sickest of the lot is the Daily Mail. Which whenever there is a sentencing in a major crime now runs a headline about how evil the guilty ones are. And then above or below that advertises their podcast where you can wallow in all the details.

  10. "making popstars out of teen murderers" is a bit of a stretch. They just reported it. Those kids are going to grow up in prison, it's not even close to fame.

  11. Yes murder is wrong but being trans is just as wrong if not worse?! Stop these brainwashed clowns ruining society and things like this won't happen. Keep forcing it down our necks? Get used to the violence.

  12. What do you expect when almost every Drama (or even Comedy) TV series or single programme is about Murder? The media is celebrating and trivialising the death of another human being as Entertainment.

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