
We Are Doing It Wrong: Nightmares and the Criminal Justice System | Isaac Bryan | TEDxUCLA


We Are Doing It Wrong: Nightmares and the Criminal Justice System | Isaac Bryan | TEDxUCLA

#Wrong #Nightmares #Criminal #Justice #System #Isaac #Bryan #TEDxUCLA

How do you solve the problems that keep you up at night? Isaac Bryan translates restlessness into purpose in his quest to reform the American bail system. By finding duty in the face of unrest, we strengthen the bonds with our brothers, our sisters, and ourselves. Isaac Bryan is a second year Masters of Public Policy Candidate in the Luskin School of Public Affairs. He studies public safety and criminal justice policy, and has worked on projects with the U.S. Department of Justice, ACLU, Children’s Defense Fund and National Center for Youth Law. He currently serves as a Bohnett Policy Fellow in Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti’s Office of Reentry. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
criminal law , We Are Doing It Wrong: Nightmares and the Criminal Justice System | Isaac Bryan | TEDxUCLA, TEDxTalks,English,Education,Crime,Criminal justice,Family,Fear,Freedom,Prison,Schools

23 thoughts on “We Are Doing It Wrong: Nightmares and the Criminal Justice System | Isaac Bryan | TEDxUCLA”

  1. Bit of an eye roll. As usual, over emotional. Everything sounds like a sermon by a country preacher. Not one mention of personal accountability. It's amazing how , if you act like a halfway decent , law abiding, human, you can avoid the criminal justice system. Problem solved!

  2. Can I do a ted talks in regard to my issue during these trying times? I’m not a scholar yet but I’m working towards it.

  3. We also have the probation trap where in my state you can actually serve a sentence in prison AND THEN have to do a probation term, where they can lock you up with NO BAIL for the simplest things. Someone I know, broke their phone and had to buy a new one. They called and let their probation officer know that they had a new number and were violated for not telling them AHEAD of time that they changed their number. So they can keep you in jail for stuff like that sentencing you to way more time than you would have gotten in the beginning. Another person got a call at 3PM that they had to come give a urine drug screen by 5 or would be violated. They had to leave work (but if you lose your job, you’re, you guessed it, violated) and rush in and it came up a false positive from mental health medication. So you have to pay to have it sent to a lab with check or money order so she had to rush out and get a money order by 5 or it would be counted as positive, and violated. It came back negative, but only after spending the $75 lab fee.

    We are the ONLY country other than the Philippines (which was essentially our colony) that has a cash bail bond system .

    Meanwhile, our “justice “ system seems to treat non violent drug crimes as worse than child molesters and rapists.

  4. They know how to re remake a bad first impression on someone. They infringe you with the past propaganda of public records. Obedience to the Creators only law makes a man sinless, there is no other way to over come sin. Obedience to Man's Law does not make me sinless; Obedience to Yahweh's Law makes me sinless!
    So what is the Government but an intruder infringing every Godly Household.
    The Criminal Justice system is not a Corrections system.

    Leviticus 18 (World English Bible)
    1Yahweh said to Moses, 
    2"Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them, 'I am Yahweh your God. 
    3You shall not do as they do in the land of Egypt, where you lived: and you shall not do as they do in the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you; neither shall you walk in their statutes. 
    4You shall do my ordinances, and you shall keep my statutes, and walk in them: I am Yahweh your God.
    5You shall therefore keep my statutes and my ordinances; which if a man does, he shall live in them: I am Yahweh.

    How is it that I am expected to Follow the Nation's (Egypt's) Law when I am Repented into My Father's Expectation; How can I be infringed by the Nation when I am Refined by my Creator.

  5. The JUST US SYSTEM is not BROKEN it is DOING exactly what it is DESIGNED to do and once WE ALL face this FACT we can change it.

  6. Ptti. 11999❣😄❤❣😂 💆💆❣❣😘😊😋😋🤗❤😄😋💬❤👭😋🤓❤🤗❤❣💕💬❤❤😄ŕ

  7. Incredibly powerful look at an injustice that continues to affect so many individuals. So glad that thoughtful and inspiring people like you are doing this important work 🙌🏼

  8. Excellent speech. Beautifully dóne. Thank you for bringing light to this cause and making this your mission. It is imperative that we continue this conversation to create the change that is needed in the "justice" system, that is unjust to the poor. I believe some people are hip to the problem but don't know what to do about it. Where do they start? What would you propose as the best thing to do for people who want to make a difference in this area? What are some steps we all can take to help address this?

  9. This talk is profound on so many levels, showing the ravages of an often forgotten element of criminal justice, the bail/bond system. Thank you Isaac for sharing the intimacy of your personal story in order to reveal the criminality of this system.

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