
Watch Out For This ILLEGAL Police Search 👮‍♂️😱 #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #TerrySearch


Watch Out For This ILLEGAL Police Search 👮‍♂️😱 #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #TerrySearch

#Watch #ILLEGAL #Police #Search #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #TerrySearch

When officers perform a Terry Frisk, they often take advantage of the situation. When I pull the body cam footage of my clients’ arrests, I often see cops digging in their pockets for over ten minutes trying to feel what’s inside of them.

Here’s why this is wrong… A Terry Frisk was created to protect an officer from citizens who could be holding a weapon. If they have reasonable suspicion that the citizen is carrying a weapon, they can do a brief pat down to make sure the person isn’t carrying a firearm or something sharp. But, when they are digging around in people’s pockets and trying to see what a squishy item is, this enters illegal search territory.

A good criminal defense attorney should pull the body cam and dash cam footage to see how long the officer was searching and determine if the search was legal. If it was illegal, anything the cop found can be thrown out in court.

Need a DFW criminal defense attorney to call if you’re ever in this situation? Add my office’s number to your contacts: 817-839-3965

criminal lawyer , Watch Out For This ILLEGAL Police Search 👮‍♂️😱 #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #TerrySearch, constitution,constitutional rights,criminal defense,fourth amendment,know the law,know your rights,police search,search warrant,terry frisk,terry search,we the people

44 thoughts on “Watch Out For This ILLEGAL Police Search 👮‍♂️😱 #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #TerrySearch”

  1. The moment you're asked to exit the car recognize that you've be profiled and targeted for an arrest. Always exist immediately upon request, then state you do not consent to any searches and seizures. If he ask what something is, plead the 5th. If he takes it out, he just violated your 4th.

    A pat down pretty much looking for a gun or a knife. Otherwise, no going into your pocket to see stuff. Reaching into pockets and pulling stuff out is a search.

  2. We need help in boone county ky. Corruption is rampant. We're the target of boone county unjustice center

  3. In the whole week and a half of training they knew it was contraband. Their training is garbage. Why do you think we have so many issues with the police on the street is because they're training is so piss poor and they let the biggest narcissist on the planet be police. On top of that they give them high positions in the forest so they are in leadership. Which spirals the issues with the public and police way out of control..

  4. As a LEO, I have observed COUNTLESS times where police “patted down” suspects and completely emptied their pockets onto the hoods of cars. I have seen money and papers blow away and I’ve always questioned why.

  5. They're constantly putting drugs in people and then finding them minutes later and arresting them. I would say probably 80% of the people that get arrested for drugs have been planted on them by the police themselves. They are the biggest most corrupt organization. Serious work needs to be done to change everything from leadership to the way they handle the public. I'm 53 now it's only gotten far worse in my lifetime I just don't see it happening😢

  6. The messed up part is. Regardless the charges getting dropped the “arrest “ for the possession is still recorded. Just like a gross misdemeanor just means you “plead” to a felony charge for a lesser conviction. If all records of the arrest were erased when charges are dropped that would be “charges dropped“.
    Same reason you don’t give ID unless you’re suspected of committing a crime.
    When they run your identification a record is made for what ever reason they deem.

  7. How about this? Future CRIMES are eliminated if illegal items and law breakers are removed from the streets so GO FOR IT OFFICERS !

  8. cop say "in my training" wait a moment,
    cop only take a few months and your going to tell me cops word is LAW, but lawyers take 4+ YEARS

  9. It’s worth noting that all the “training & experience” and “reasonable articulable suspicion” in the world will never prove defendant John Terry was going to rob the store he and cohorts peered into that day…

  10. Isn’t it amazing how body cams and cell phone cams have shown the actual truth about the police? Jackbooted thugs with no morality

  11. Or the officer say if you don’t mind empty your pockets here on the hood of my car. Or cop says “ in your pocket sir? “ oh that’s my keys officer. Officer “you don’t mind taking them out then”
    If you comply it’s consensual. Meaning you willingly complied with their question. The officer was asking if you would. Not demanding.

  12. You shouldn’t be saying this out loud. Cops will watch this and know how to lie in the future.

  13. Terry allows for a pat down and removal of WEAPONS, not drugs, or any form of evidence.

  14. You don't ñeed a liar / lawyer you need to study for yourself that liar won't hlfight for you

  15. Im pretty sure i read that if they felt something they know is contraband, like a baggie of powder, they can take it out and its lawful. If i remember correctly.

  16. Pop was a Cop and he told me that all of the bad cop that lies a lot and make up charges have a small baggie in their shirt pocket, usually a little that was not turned in a few weeks ago, that should have been.

  17. We have a with the government ignoring the limits put on them by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Government is not supposed to do anything to them, they are to follow them to the letter. You want to search me get a warrant

  18. We really need to stop the war on drugs it's going on 50 years now and it is not doing anything..

  19. Terry frisks, by design, are looking for weapons. So, they are limited to looking for a "hard non-biological item."

  20. Please note that if they pull it out of your pocket right away it is considered a good seizure of contraband. The loophole is that the officer takes a while to figure out it's contraband.

  21. Officer Safety ?
    — My favorite is that law enforcement have a dangerous job. "136 federal, state, county, municipal, military, tribal and campus officers died in the line of duty in 2023," – Fraternal Order of Police.
    —- 136 in the entire country is DANGEROUS while there were 608 truck drivers killed in the entire country.
    608 / 136 = 5
    So if we break that down, that means you are roughly 5 TIMES as likely to die every year as a truck driver then you are a police officer. When was the last time you heard someone say, "Oh you are a truck driver….that is such a dangerous job !!" ( I have NEVER heard someone say that.)

  22. You know I was curious, out of pure curiosity.

    Say someone have illegal drug and its discovered during illegal search..can tehy demind the drug being returned ot them afterwards?

  23. What is this?
    Contraband testicles, kindly let go of them before I think that you like me a bit too much.

  24. how do the cops not have a protector rank

    if your unaware a protector rank marks any cop with a 100 point score that is added and removed based on both illegal and legal and honorable actions

    honorable actions are like going above and beyond your own job like saving someones life by providing cpr or even saving someone from a burning building

    legal actions are actions that cops should do like showing civility while operation

    showing manners and generally making the pd look good

    illegal actions are going to far for example if a male cop is given rights to search a young lady by the lady then you do a back of the hand simple search to confirm there's nonething that's gonna harm them

    and if a cop goes overboard then he is marked with a 3 month perma negative marker normally this is a 1-10 point removal depending on what your higher ups think and this point removal also has to be passed onto a judge to confirm the removal

    the idea of this system is any cop with 100- losses the rights to be a cop and protector anyone who hires them also gets a hefty fine for trying to hire a illegal security operator

  25. Yea. Cops did this crap back in the 80s n 90s and bunch got stuck with dorty needles. Learned the hard way.

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