
WATCH LIVE: Stabbed Girlfriend Murder Trial — MA v. Blake Scanlon — Day 1


WATCH LIVE: Stabbed Girlfriend Murder Trial — MA v. Blake Scanlon — Day 1

#WATCH #LIVE #Stabbed #Girlfriend #Murder #Trial #Blake #Scanlon #Day

23 year old Blake Scanlon faces trial for allegedly murdering his 20-year-old girlfriend, Alexis Avery, at their Massachusetts home in 2019. Scanlon called authorities shortly after the incident, claiming he was injured after he “killed his girlfriend.” When police arrived at the scene, they discovered Avery brutally stabbed to death. Scanlon is being charged with first-degree murder, and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.

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25 thoughts on “WATCH LIVE: Stabbed Girlfriend Murder Trial — MA v. Blake Scanlon — Day 1”

  1. In their opening, did the defense really try to say that because they had a child & still lived in the same apt she wasn’t ALLOWED to date… or merely hook-up with… someone else?!?!?!🤨 Just bc you LIVE together DOESNT mean you ARE together!! And having a child doesn’t make that automatic either!! 😒🙄

  2. Why is there no screen available for the public to see evidence????????????????????????? A really weird trial setting with so many problems so FRUSTRATING

  3. I wonder if this judge was a defense attorney while he was practicing. It realllly seems like it 😒

  4. Law and crime get it together. You are the main to cover trials live and still these issues? Outrageous.

  5. I wish we could watch the pretrial motion hearings bc
    it would help clarify a few things, in this case bc there's always more evidence, that the jury doesn't hear or see.

  6. 💔 He was in a fit of rage, stabbing her that many times. It's very sad, for her poor little girl, to grow up without either one of her parents. 😢

  7. This video is terrible, can’t hear it, blurry, freezing, audio skips. Terrible! Who is doing the recording??

  8. No matter how they cut it, this is all on him, nothing mitigating about it, hard to believe they're trying to lay the blame on victim

  9. The defense annoying. Ask questions try to twist and use the texts but then objects when state trying to clarify. They opened the door why allowed to prevent clarification?

  10. Wow. He started trying to misdirect at the bar. If he had her phone and he sent the text saying he left he was trying to set up Alexis left bar with someone else.

  11. The cross of the cousin is ridiculous. The only reason for Blake to be there was to stalk his ex. Trying to say he didn’t know where she is was or was “looking” for key fob is useless. It wasn’t his business at that point. And she is rude at times. Asks question but only wants certain info so yelled at the cousin “just answer the question” but other times tries to twist words and makes a statement as if fact when it is not.

  12. This about Blake’s decisions. He chose to stalk her. He was not invited Alexis was going out with her cousin. He then chose to make her go home with him and he chose to stab her to death and just for fun slice her face. He attempted burn down house. This all on him.

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