
“Wasting Police Time” Humza Yousaf’s New ‘Hate Crime’ Laws Blasted By Scottish MP


“Wasting Police Time” Humza Yousaf’s New ‘Hate Crime’ Laws Blasted By Scottish MP

#Wasting #Police #Time #Humza #Yousafs #Hate #Crime #Laws #Blasted #Scottish

A Tory MSP has threatened legal action against Police Scotland after the force logged a social media comment he made as a “hate incident”.

Murdo Fraser likened identifying as non-binary to identifying “as a cat”, in relation to Scottish government equality policies last November.

Police decided no crime had been committed after a complaint was made.

However Mr Fraser has accused police of acting unlawfully by recording it as a hate incident, and his complaint comes ahead of new hate crime legislation taking effect in Scotland from 1 April.

TalkTV’s Kevin O’Sullivan and Alex Phillips are joined by Mr Fraser who says Scotland’s new hate crime act is wasting police time, insisting “none of these complaints are being taken forward but the police have to spend time investigating them.”

#hate #crime #police #laws

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37 thoughts on ““Wasting Police Time” Humza Yousaf’s New ‘Hate Crime’ Laws Blasted By Scottish MP”

  1. The people of scotland have voted for that First Minister,You are to blame,nobody else,the immigrants just use the law of the land to take over….

  2. The public should continue to bombard Police Scotland with (completely legitimate) "hate crime" complaints until this law is repealed.
    If the law is not repealed and forgotten about, the Police and government will use it in the future to target anyone who doesn't agree with whatever the current narrative is.

  3. The sooner he gets back to the call centre (only real job he's ever had) he came from the better.

  4. Geoge Orwell was so clairvoyant. The book called 1984 – with the 'thought police' and the book called Animal Farm with the saying 'some of us are more equal than others' – which they are when people abuse the equality policies and weasel out the competition for promotions with accusive lies and misrepresentations.

  5. It is time to disband the Scottish Parliament tried and failed time to move on It is also time for a party that follows the old adage that the good of the many outweighs the good of the few

  6. A dyed in the wool m-slim fanatic.
    What ethnicity is Hamza Yusuf?
    Yusuf has Irish, Scottish and Greek ancestry. After being impressed by a young couple from Saudi Arabia who were followers of Abdalqadir as-Sufi—a Scottish convert to Islam and leader of the Darqawa Sufi order and the Murabitun World Movement—Yusuf moved to Norwich, England to study directly under as-Sufi.

  7. Wasting police time is a crime, arrest Useless the prat fall incompetent funder of evil. (With tax payers money.)

  8. So the trick if you are a real criminal is to report several "offensive" speech crimes on the opposite side of town. 😅😂 They will never find you. 🏳️‍🌈🇬🇧

  9. i do like murdo. labour wouldn't even provide enough dust particles for this man when he's cleaning. also if a enhanced police check is done and a vexatious complaint is lodged. u wont get the job because u're not the dictator snp wants. ITS BAD

  10. Remember that according to police Scotland having a swatiska on a star of David is not a hate crime but having a dog do a salute to G@s The Jews is not, that is the level of two tier oppressive stupidity that enforces this law.

  11. Well Rowling and Humza are on the Left, thats why hate crime laws don't apply to them.

  12. this law is going to be a massive backfire,go for it my Scottish cousins,complain about everything that "hurt your feelings or upset you" and watch and wait for the sicky notes coming in from the police

  13. These are orders coming from the (WEF) .. it is no coincidence that Scotland/ Ireland / Canada etc are all lining up to introduce these laws…. What do u think all these dictators do when they meet up in Davos every year ?

  14. Innocent people are having none hate crime being logged on their records, it's outragious.

  15. These laws were used effectively to control people by the STASI and KGB, like Stalin & Mao farming reforms and waiting to see how many people that the EU & net zero starve.
    Why does no media reference Lord Justice Beans finding that it is our human right to freedom of speech to offend. Big difference between hate speech & offensive speech 😂

  16. This was not solely down to Humza Yousaf, he was backed up by other loonies inside the SNP so let’s identify THEM and have them made known to the sane Scottish people💪

  17. Polis Scotland have only one objective – protect the SNP. A relative of an SNP minister has avoided a hate crime investigation despite an anti-Semitic Facebook post showing a Nazi swastika within a Star of David and the caption 'Nazism = Zionism'. Incredibly, the woman who reported the "vile" post to Police Scotland ended up being questioned about her own ethnicity and was then told the complaint was being discarded because she was not Jewish.

  18. Has any other Scot thought about reporting the English PM Boris Johnson for his poem published in the Spectator 2004. Calling for the “extermination”/ GENOCIDE of the Scottish people?

  19. So Scotland has no homelessness, no unemployment, no NHS waiting lists, no drug problems, no poverty, no burglaries, no violent crime … I didn’t realise Scotland was so sorted that mean words was the only issue there.

  20. Imagine police officers being the arbiters of what is hate speech. The Police Scotland chief said only last year that the force was institutionally racist, sexist, mysoginistic etc.

  21. This law got through because the Mu"l-m are is great numbers. SCOTLAND will be the New Mecc:

  22. Do as your told laws that’s all they are free speech must prevail and will police what are they they do send to help no more

  23. I hope the Scots continue to report these nonsense hate crimes at an incredible rate ad infinitum. Even Stevie Wonder could see this stupid law is not workable.

  24. End all food and drink deliveries into the Borough of Westminster.
    Stop feeding the beast.

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