
Was the Apple River stabbing self-defense or murder? Comment your thoughts below! #news #aor


Was the Apple River stabbing self-defense or murder?  Comment your thoughts below! #news #aor

#Apple #River #stabbing #selfdefense #murder #Comment #thoughts #news #aor

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41 thoughts on “Was the Apple River stabbing self-defense or murder? Comment your thoughts below! #news #aor”

  1. What happens when you run up to a group of people and physically grab them and start assaulting the kids. This guy was looking for a confrontation. They're all the way in the middle of the creek he came literally running at them. Clearly aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, premeditated attempted murder, assault on a minor and a plethora of other charges that should put this guy in prison for a long time. The kids were telling him to go on and get away from them and he kept pushing his way towards them and tryna fight. All those kids were doing were just pushing him back telling him to go away. Had he taken the kid's advice he wouldn't be in court and nobody would have been injured.

  2. Absolutely self defense – they were shoving him to the point he couldn't get up and leave even if he wanted to, mob mentality. They thought theyd make a fool of that old man and look like the tough guys. Probably for social media !!

  3. Warning: Raise your children and raise them right or you too will find yourself participating in an early funeral and/or court proceedings.

  4. I feel dumb!! When i first heard about this story I immediately was on the kids side. I remember thinking how could a grown man plunge a knife into a kid?? I was a victim of the news because after watching the other parts of the video I can clearly see that those kids had a Pac mentality against him!! The media is a horrible propaganda machine..

  5. F around and find out. Sad to see someone pass, but you don't know what others are capable of.

  6. Wow, and the parents are clueless on their kids acting like this? Id be so fucking embarrased to be those kids parents.

  7. They are trying to drown him while laughing like maniacs. They are laughing while they are drowning him. How the f*** is it not self? Defense?

    Just because he started an interaction with these people does not mean he is the instigator of the fight.

  8. Self defense they f with the wrong old man they shouldn’t,t pushed him down and hit him he feared for his life…Word is young bucks dnt pick fight with old man he can’t fight or run he jushe just kill you go home sho to sleep

  9. No charges should have been laid…if anything,they should have charged these fuc$in punks…our justice system is ass backwards

  10. Watch the whole video not half of it ..get a better idea of what Really happend!!.

  11. 2 wrongs definitely doesn't make a right!!!!!!! The People involved w/surrounding, pushing, laughing, hitting, etc… He looked terrified and scared. If I was in his shoes I definitely would have felt threatened and unsafe. They didn't stop until the stabbing occurred…….These instigators and hecklers especially the ones abusing that man physically.

  12. They kicked him in the face on the ground. Thats prison time most the time. Kick me in the face you better hope i stay down.

  13. Clear case of fuck around, find out. Listen folks, don't put your hands on anyone out there. You may wind up really messed up. And the chances of that happening are only climbing due to the increasing dangerousness of others now a days. If you can't hold your own in combat I suggest you don't even entertain thoughts of acting like these bullies did.

  14. From this video look what’s going on you guys would probably do the same. If you don’t, you could be the one being killed. Being drowned. Think about it. You don’t know if these kids are going to stop or not.

  15. Yeah the old man was charged and is now serving a life sentence, ben dover-Edward’s is off the streets

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