
Walden Bello files a ‘decriminalize libel’ case in Supreme Court


Walden Bello files a ‘decriminalize libel’ case in Supreme Court

#Walden #Bello #files #decriminalize #libel #case #Supreme #Court

Activist and former lawmaker Walden Bello asks the Supreme Court to decriminalize libel in the Philippines. He asks the SC to declare as unconstitutional all of the provisions in the Revised Penal Code on libel, and the cyber libel provision in the Cybercrime Law.

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4 thoughts on “Walden Bello files a ‘decriminalize libel’ case in Supreme Court”

  1. Free speech must come with responsibility. If you start bearing false witness, or slander someone, you should be jailed

  2. Catchy title, and a tad 'click bait-y'.
    What Bello is asking for is NOT the decriminalization of libel. Instead, he is asking for the law to be re-written so as not to violate the peoples' right to free speech. Making laws absolute robs the people of their civil liberties.
    Unless that's what the regime is going for 😶

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