
Virginia Cops Make HUGE Mistake, Then This Happens


Virginia Cops Make HUGE Mistake, Then This Happens

#Virginia #Cops #HUGE #Mistake


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criminal law , Virginia Cops Make HUGE Mistake, Then This Happens, don andre investigations,journalist,journalism,documentary

46 thoughts on “Virginia Cops Make HUGE Mistake, Then This Happens”

  1. I'm from virginia ,, born and raised in p. Town… solute to the entire Hampton roads area ,, Newport news "bad news".. Norfolk ,,Portsmouth, "p. Town,,, Sullfolk,, va beach,, keep these tyrant pigs accountable !!

  2. Don't you love the fact that government agents who are themselves armed trying to chill the free speech of a citizen trying to exercise his second amendment right, they're trying to intimidate him and bully him into not exercising his second amendment rights.. every one of these cops are armed..

  3. The cop is saying, you're guilty because we say so. Only we can have guns. F the constitution and the 2nd amendment. That's what they are saying.

  4. There is way too much talking im not familiar with carry laws in Virginia. However, lets assume open carry is legal

    Cops should ask for his open carry permit and if he does not have one then arrest him per law.

    If he does then verify it and send him on his way.

    Theres just too much noise and chatter for no reason. Its an A or B situation

  5. That smug look on the fat ponytail cop says it all:
    Your being detained because we think only cops can carry guns.

    Smfh. She definitely needs a gun because she couldn't catch a criminal unless maybe they snatched a donut outta her hand.
    Furthermore, when are cops going to realize that our Constituonal rights haven't changed in this "age of active shooters"?
    Correct me if I'm wrong but back in the 1800s there were a lot of "active shooters".

  6. Cowards, I’m more fearful of law-enforcement, caring firearms than average citizens. Average citizens have more of an education then just high school.

  7. There's a phone call !!! a phone call! A phone call! Oh, my God, a phone call!!! Now cops HAVE to Suspend everyone's Rights and the Laws , because there was A PHONE CALL !!!! who is on the other end of that phone!? Why are they More important than the Law And the Bill of Rights!???

  8. Even when it's legal, it's not
    always expedient. Meaning is it smart for you to do that? If someone walked into your grandmother's place of work with a weapon, (pistol or rifle) you expect her to NOT report that person? You would CERTAINLY expect the cops to show up to defend Granny. So don't act STUPID when the cops show up when you show up with a weapon.

  9. My only critique would be that he would get a lot more understanding if he didn't act so confrontational. Don't curse the Police, be respectful like they were. Also in most cities, the law states it is cosidered disorderly conduct for using vulgar, indecent or profane language in a public place. Just saying, you make it way to easy for the police to have ( Probable cause).

  10. What is the guy with the gun afraid of? Is he just auditing? We should probably change the law. We have a 2nd Amendment for a reason, but this feels stupid and a waste of resources.

  11. If you wanna go up and talk to the man talk to him !
    I don’t care how many people called in that a guy was carrying a gun. He’s doing it legally !
    Personally, if more people had conceal and carry, would be a hell of a safer world !

  12. These cops need to be retrained. The fact that there is multiple cops asking questions at the same time is so stupid. Should only be one officer talking. People get shot and killed over two officers yelling two different things and it happens often and it's an easy problem to fix just have one officer speak in the other one shut up

  13. Hey, lets open carry a rifle in publc and tell any police officers to f off. Yeah, great idea! (not)

  14. If nothing else this speaks to having multiple doors enabling u to close the/a door when your castle rights & private property rights are violated.

  15. We do have domestic terrorists in our country and their name is blue Isis gestapo criminal Tyrant gang members

  16. Rise above! You LOSE respect when you start with all the F U’s. You sound stupid & HOOD! GHETTO & UNEDUCATED! Make your POINT by sounding educated ! Or STFU

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