
Vicarious Liability // Criminal Law // By Iram Riaz


Vicarious Liability //  Criminal Law // By Iram Riaz

#Vicarious #Liability #Criminal #Law #Iram #Riaz

Meaning of vicarious Liability
In criminal law,
 Vicarious liability occurs when a person is held liable for the criminal actions of someone else, it assigns liability to an individual who did not directly cause the harm in question.
 Vicarious liability also known as joint responsibility liability is a legal theory of liability that empowers the court to hold a person liable for the acts of others.
According to black’s law dictionary, vicarious liability is defined as,
• the imposition of liability on one person for the actionable conduct of another, based solely on a relationship between the two persons.
Criminal vicarious Liability
• The essence of vicarious liability in criminal law is that a person may be held liable as the principal offender that is the offender of a crime whose actus reus is physically committed by someone else.
• It is believed that a person merely performing the actus reus on the say of another is not innocent and thus is also made liable for the offence.
• The law sometimes focuses upon the relationship between the defendant and the performer of the physical acts and by virtue of that relationship; it attributes the acts of the latter to the former.
Theories of vicarious liability in criminal law:
• Public nuisance
• Common Intention common object
• Criminal Conspiracy
• Accomplice Liability
• Criminal libel
Public nuisance
section 268 and 269 penal code
Common Intention common object
Section 34, 149 penal code
Section 154
Criminal libel
Section 499 of the penal code
Criminal Conspiracy
Section 120-A 120-B OF PPC
Accomplice Liability
Vicarious Liability for Felony Murder
#law #criminal #penalcode
criminal law , Vicarious Liability // Criminal Law // By Iram Riaz, criminal law,Public nuisance,Common Intention common object,Criminal Conspiracy,Accomplice Liability,Criminal libel,section 268,section 269,penal code,Section 34,149 penal code,criminal libel,defamation,section 120-A 120-B,LAW,LLB,LLM,PPSC,FPSC,JUDICIARY,SIR UMER,TORT,CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE,PRINCIPLE,FELONY,MURDER,FINOLOGY LEGAL,INDIAN,PAKISTAN,THE LAW SIMPLIFIED,L.A.W(LAW AND WISDOM),THE NATIONAL ACADEMY,QANOONDAN,LAW GAT,LAT,vicarious liability

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