
VERDICT! Ashley Benefield Trial –Jury Deadlocked after 5.5 hours then live verdict- Atty Commentary


#VERDICT #Ashley #Benefield #Trial #Jury #Deadlocked #hours #live #verdict #Atty #Commentary

Florida v Ashley Benefield ~
Verdict is in after 6.5 hours deliberation.

Ashley Benefield was 24 when she met and married Doug Benefield, 54, within 13 days. A little over 4 years and a child later, on 9/27/20, Ashley would be charged in the 2nd degree m*rder of her by-then estranged husband. Ashley is claiming self-defense, battered spouse syndrome and protection under Florida’s stand your ground law.
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NOT LEGAL ADVICE: This video is made solely for the purpose of commentary for entertainment and educational purposes, and no attorney -client relationship is created through comments or interaction with this channel. All suspects are deemed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
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50 thoughts on “VERDICT! Ashley Benefield Trial –Jury Deadlocked after 5.5 hours then live verdict- Atty Commentary”

  1. I’ve been thinking about Ashley all day. She’s an incredibly strong person, even now. She fought tenaciously for her life, and for her daughter – because of her swift action in an terrifying situation, her child won’t have to grow up abused, and watching her mom be tormented by a very sick man. Or worse case grow up without a mom because Ashley was the one who died that day. I hope that Ashley feels her own power right now. I’m praying that somehow the system finally comes through for her, and that she is able to walk free and be with her daughter, mother, and friends again soon 🙏🏻♥️

  2. You can’t fake deep pain.. not pain to the core.. maybe you have to have been through deep pain, verbal abuse.. or any experience

    that reaches so deeply inside.. and people don’t understand or believe you.. because they never went through it.
    You shake, you feel embarrassed, ashamed, and you fear more ridicule.. and I’m afraid that now… watching her being told she is STILL not HEARD…
    I pray she won’t feel that shock and pain that takes you to an out of body experience.. ( all over again)and want to … well, not exist anymore.
    She is obviously strong.. or she would not have made it this far.. and her courage is amazing..

    Can we write to her in prison?

    I fear she feels … well no words fit.. I pray 🙏 😢for her to NEVER give up.. and know she is NOT alone, NOT crazy. But a true brave and good person.
    I’m sorry you have to go through this Ashley. I am crying for you. And many – many other people are with you.. ❤❤❤

  3. Oh wow, I’m not familiar with this channel …came across it last night and thought that it would be an unbiased safe space but I see that it’s very much leaning in one direction. While I agree with the verdict I do have sympathy for Ashley and would NOT speak disparagingly about her. Folks, please settle down and do not allow the verdict of a jury or opinions of others to drive you to vile, angry, bitter words. Be respectful! You win some you lose some

  4. I do feel for Ashley, however, I did not find her defense credible nor her performance on the stand convincing. I really don’t believe that he in fact physically attacked her. I think he was there helping like he had planned and her attack caught him off guard. She grew sicker of the thought of having to coparent. She deeply despised him and felt trapped by Emerson’s ties to him. It’s not logical that he would have insisted on spending the night and did not want to leave after having been separated from her for three years; it just doesn’t stand to reason… plus the text messages leading up to the murder are telling of how congenial he was towards her. There’s just no firsthand eyewitness account of any abuse to her or to the child. Everything was hearsay …not a friend nor her mother could vouch that she complained of past abuse. No digital footprint of any abusive exchange between them. Additionally, she stated that she left the marital home due to pregnancy sickness, yet never returned; so why file a restraining order while living separately? I thought the jury would come back “not guilty” so was surprised they processed it like I did…they paid attention. I’m praying for all involved.

  5. 6 hours for someone's life is ridiculous. Even if you think she's guilty, wouldn't you want to go sleep on it, knowing fully well that someone's entire future depends on you ? It's odd.

  6. 5 women on that jury didnt believe her. Some trials we agree, some we do not…but as Americans we respect and accept the outcome and move on. No schannigans here, just the facts.

  7. WOW…..absolutely stunned at the verdict! It’s 2024 & yet Jury’s are denied read backs. With all the technology available that’s the best they can do??? Do better judicial system do MUCH better! My heart breaks for Ashley 💔

  8. Before the reading of the verdict, I was not sure. However, her lack of any response as the verdict was being read and then her diligently writing something down on a paper which she passed on to her attorney before being taken away convinced me that the jury got it correct. My guess is that they jury couldn't decide between 2nd degree murder and manslaughter. It is very tragic for everyone, especially AB's young daughter.

  9. 5 women on this jury out of 6: how did we watch the same Trial??? I’m disappointed in my fellow women. You failed this victim. F F Fail!

  10. It’s hard to imagine what Ashley and her mom and daughter are going through now. But then Eva and her family feel justice was served. It’s just awful though because I believe AB. I feel for Eva but I think her dad was wrongful to her too.
    One question : I can’t remember if AB’s google searches for how to cope with an aboosive spouse were ever allowed ?
    It’s so sad. Prayers for Ashley and her family. 😢

  11. You are so right Mel. The jury process needs to change there has to be more education for lay people/jurors. The lives of people matter!! This case has set back justice for victims of DV they are helpless. I received jury summons today 😮

  12. I keep thinking what can i (or We The Survivors as a whole) now do to help Ashley & STARTING A PETITION to Gov. Ron DeSantis asking to use his power as a governor to grant Ashley a PARDON is the only thing i came up with so far- ik, ik… not much at all, but still… better than nothing, i guess😢

  13. This case was very manipulated by the prosecution. Juror instructions were not clear regarding their ability to request to review what a witness said on the stand while deliberating. Also all the absolute lies the prosecution stated in closing. I felt if I were a juror I would find the prosecution not believable since they smack talked every witness that didn't convey their position. And the prosecution altering the motive as information changed. What a moving target. I felt the prosecution if anything destroyed their own credibility. I have lost all faith in our "justice" system. And I've been in it often with an unstable ex and a daughter that was alienated from me but who luckily saw the truth and came around. I did many of the things that those not familiar with DV thought were deceitful behavior by Ashlee in this case. No way would I share how I really felt about my then husband in counseling. I'd pay for it when we got home. But heck yeah I'd share it with the therapist if I he was not there. It's survival and an attempt to not poke the bear, the grizzly bear. I once bought a bike online for my daughter and ended up at my ex's coworker's house, the seller. He commented that my husband was the most laid back person he ever met. I said "you don't know him very well then." So not true, just the face he showed to many. It seems in cases like this the jury may not be fit to make the final decision. This case disgusts me.

  14. That's sad ! Ashley gave up her freedom to protect her child , it would have been just a matter of time before that lunatic of a husband would have taken Ashley and her child's life ,then his own. The jury acted ridiculous , couldn't come to a verdict till they were asked about staying all night , 6 hrs and couldn't come to a decision , mention about staying all night wow unanimous decision . Ashley had the same expression for 6 days and even when the verdict was read . That expression was obviously started when her husband began his verbal abuse of threats and violence .

  15. no comment??? I did not watch this trial and came to end to hear your take 🙁 nothing. Disappointed,

  16. Every time i think about this verdict, i just cry 😢 How can this happen? She was in her own home and he had been stalkimg her?!! I feel her pain and betrayal.

  17. Was the jury denied clarification on or access to Dr. Quintels' testimony? If so, why wouldn't there be reasonable doubt right there? I dont think jurors understand the concept of reasonable doubt. This jury wanted to be done and should not have been given a choice to stay late. Someone's freedom is on the line here! These cases sure are enlightening on what happens within the system.

  18. I feel they should have been told to go and return in the morning, not given a choice. They wanted it to be done. This is scary and not how the system is supposed to work.

  19. I think the biggest lesson here is DONT have guns hanging around if you are a person that goes into rages or now you can that upset. I get that we have a legal right to own them but if there had been no gun I do not believe that she would have been hurt nor would Doug be dead and this trial would have never happened. Do I believe he was abusive? Idk, but either way, had a gun not been there, she would have got away and he’d still be alive. The only time that a gun should be used is if a person is going to kill you and there is no evidence that he was ever going to try, then using a gun is just emotionally too excessive. Law shouldn’t be based in emotion but unfortunately jurors are still human and her shooting him was just too much. Bottom line, guns need to be treated with more respect. Both of them played around and found out. He’s dead and she’s going to prison. What good does your second amendment do now? It’s literally a case of cutting off your nose despite yourself. Don’t have guns sitting around just cause you “can.”

  20. i'm just gutted… it was so clear that douglas was an abuser with a narcissistic personality type who used the courts to wheedle his way back into ashley's life through their child. the stand your ground law should have protected her, there's no way they proved beyond a reasonable doubt that this shooting wasn't justified. it's just so backward, and i feel like this case just shows how little our "justice" system accounts for abuse or narcissism or even the protections intended to be provided by stand your ground, due to the systemic misogyny and a clear systemic bias towards cis men inherent in the system.

  21. Im just so sad for this outcome. What a tragedy for a human being, for her daughter with both parents gone. Just because she met the wrong man. That day this happend she had no choice, I believe her. But that day ended with either her death or prison as we know now. How cannot this case have reasonable doubt?! And I can help but feel that she has to spend 20-30 years in prison just because the jours wanted too go home and not come back the next day… I’m so sad for her, her life is ruined just because she defended her one life that day❤😢

  22. What was she suppose to do stand there and let him beat her up or worse. This case was not tried correctly, everyone considered her guilty, and not innoscent until proven guilty. Lot’s of negligence on the part of a fair trial.

  23. Proves that false allegations of child SA against a person doesn't bode well with juries. Neither does mockery of DV victims or choosing to execute the father of your child to gain full custody. No proof that Doug ever put a harming hand on her. The toxicity in the marriage went both ways. The jury got it right. Never forget, Doug should be alive today to share love and memories with his two children.

  24. THE NEXT MORNING: The advanced age, mainly I've heard, of these jurors, stayed to debate until after 11???? Then, they have to get home and unwind. THIS LATE OF DELIBERATIONS SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED! Did the one or two causing the hung jury get pressured and pressured by other jurors to change their mind so they could be released home??? Did jurors have other plans for the next day? I'm a true crime and trial follower. I've been on a jury. I'm also a survivor of DV without (obvious) bruises. (If it had gotten to that point, I would have been dead. An 'angel' very clearly said to me, " Don't touch him or he'll kill you" at our rural home in the center of 40 acres of pasture.)

    Last night, woke up a couple of times to reach for my cup of water bedside. I immediately thought of how uncomfortable Ashley must be feeling this first night. I have never done this before! 😢😢😢. Looks like I'm going to have to stop watching trials unless cut and dried, like Stephan Sterns with his huge digital evidence.

    Ladies, get something like a less-than-lethal pew pew, like a Byrna. This is what I got for those crazy days (right after Geo. Flo.y.d) of protesters blocking highways, I was a solo female RVer trying to get thru occasional cities, towing my home! If I ever have to use, as I still travel solo about 3/4 time now but in my truck with built out bed shell, I hope they won't take the time to see if pain was from a hit by bullet, a pepperball and/or rubber ball. (Alternate every other one!)

  25. Ive seen many comments on other channels that the prosecution timeline switched their votes from NG to G.

  26. I learned something important today. Choose carefully who you listen to and what chat you participate in. This case was difficult for me- I got through it because of Melanie (who doesn’t mock, belittle or pre judge),and a chat room full of respectful and compassionate people. I’m cleaning up my subscriptions and unsubscribing to all toxic sites.

  27. Melanie look into the Christine Ricci case steaming now if AB got found guilty this lady should get life but she won’t cuz it’s Massachusetts

  28. Wow, did not watch this trial but now wanted Melanies take on the verdict which was unknown to me til this vid. This is such bs, I am realizing that the jury system can be easily manipulated bc it is too complicated for average juror. Who comes in knowing these rules? disgusted.

  29. I’m you never experience DV hard to have empathy in so sad today I can’t even explain it

  30. TBH- I came to the conclusion that she is guilty too. It’s not something I take lightly because my own mother was horrifically abused during g her second marriage and he came after her two times after she managed to escape. Ashleys actions do not correspond to her claims in my opinion.

  31. Destruction further of a young mother and daughter…..such a strange prosecution and judge……No motive for murder except self defense

  32. So wrong that Ashley cannot even get her affairs in order & have the decency of spending time with her daughter & family. I am outraged by the injustice against all of US in this prison system.

  33. Just because a person is a dv victim doesn't mean she could not have set him up. I am a dv victim but I would never have invited him to move send my mother to the park but instead if her mother was there It would be a witness to the abuse to help her case. No I think she did plan to kill him She almost emptied the gun but Now to attack the jurrors and saying because they are women and maybe older they believe its ok be abused. I am so mad at those who feel because they did not vote innocent that they must be ok with the abuse. The y took out the emotion out and went with the facts. 4 or five shots Do you even know how hard it is to pull the trigger and one that went into the right to left also.

  34. As I was watching this last night, I had just gotten home after working 9.5 hours. I would not have wanted to make a decision on someone's guilt or innocence being that tired. In my opinion, they should have gone home and come back the next morning to see if they felt the same way. I don't think the best when I'm exhausted.😢

  35. She is unlikely to win on appeal. 15 to 30 years…her daughter will be grown. I didn’t find her completely credible but I certainly found lots of reasonable doubt. I couldn’t have found her guilty.

  36. My take away from this trial. As regards Self Defense and DV

    DV is only admissible defense if you're in ICU or dead. Your word means nothing, past threats likewise
    LE opinion is the rule of the day. Their only purpose is enforcing law, like a hammer – everything is a nail. You mean nothing to LE
    Defense is secondary to prosecution, truth and justice is secondary to serving grieving families. DAs more often now are really only about winning and the families they "serve" are merely a justification
    If you hurt someone while defending yourself, justice will punish you. Society "thinks" self defense is a right, till something happens and all reason flies out the window.

    I guess the bottom line is society doesn't really care what happens to others. They say they do but maybe they think self defense is wrong if someone died in the act. No, it doesn't make sense, but anger and rage is anything but rational

    Cases like this are everywhere

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