
Utah passes law making convicted DUI drivers pay for child support


Utah passes law making convicted DUI drivers pay for child support

#Utah #passes #law #making #convicted #DUI #drivers #pay #child #support

Utah is the latest state to pass a bill aimed at cracking down on drunk drivers by imposing stiffer financial penalties.
criminal lawyer , Utah passes law making convicted DUI drivers pay for child support, today,Utah,Utah News

29 thoughts on “Utah passes law making convicted DUI drivers pay for child support”


  2. Can’t get blood out of a stone…they will pay at the start and payment will progressively dry up…always with a genuine sounding excuse….dont be naive.

  3. Sounds great, and I agree. But here's the but. Who will actually pay for it? Most likely not the offenders. How can you sue someone who has no money? We, the taxpayers have to pick it up. No such thing as free money! Wake up sheople!!

  4. I would support such a law here in Oklahoma. There is no excuse for driving while intoxicated. In fact the Federal Government should enact this law.

  5. Accessibility of alcohol is atrocious , why would the government allow alcohol to be sold at gas stations ? The answer is the alcohol taxes ! Beer manufacturers went from 6 to 8 to 12 to 18 to 24 to 30 packs of beer . Alcohol content range from 3.2 to 15%

  6. 💯 behind it!

    If you don’t agree with it, don’t drink and drive.

    It’s one of the most selfish things that anyone can do!

  7. Good idea, but what about the people who get a DUI without being drunk? Some cops just do the wrong thing

  8. This is a feel good law but has no practical value because 1 prisoners make very little income during incarceration in Ohio the average pay is .40 cents a hour . Assuming the prisoner works , if half of that money is garnished from wages it would amount to about $32.00 a month or $384.00 a year.
    2 it offers deterrent value .
    3 upon release . A person convicted of vehicular homicide is going to find it very difficult to find a average or better paying job. Therefore even after release the amount the offender pays is going to be a trivial ammont.
    If the governor wants to make a big impact on drunk driver related crimes then he should make mandatory prison sentences of at least 60 days first offense which would act as a involuntarily detox ,
    A second offense should be minimum 6 moths in jail and 5 years for a third

  9. If they killed someone while drunk driving won't they be locked up? And if so how will the child support be paid

  10. YES!!!! Also if you murder someone because you were driving drunk you should NEVER be allowed to drive again. It's a privilege, not a right.

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