
Utah homeowner who pointed a gun at California snowboarder is facing charges


Utah homeowner who pointed a gun at California snowboarder is facing charges

#Utah #homeowner #pointed #gun #California #snowboarder #facing #charges

The Brighton man armed with a gun while confronting a snowboarder in a viral video is now facing criminal charges. But his attorney says he had the right to protect his property.
criminal lawyer , Utah homeowner who pointed a gun at California snowboarder is facing charges, today,Utah,Utah News

21 thoughts on “Utah homeowner who pointed a gun at California snowboarder is facing charges”

  1. Although I understand frustration, you can't point a gun at people. Call the cops next time !

  2. Does snowboarders live when they said they didn't see those signs? How could you not see that bright? Red circle N white snow use your brain. That snowboarder got caught, he knew it. And now he wants to cry Wolf, that old man had every right to protect his property. And I think that the ski. Resort next door needs to foot the bill for a fence.

  3. It's funny to me he immediately says he's "Sorry" upon running into the property owner. That tells you that he knew he was on private property, and he just didn't think he'd get caught.

  4. I know only 24 1/2 acres in a semi neighborhood and still trespass to poach. Posted partial fenced due to cows behind me. Still, there are AH's that think their sh*t don't stink. I awoke last night to hear a truck going back in front of my property. Let them know I am awake. They turned around and left. Yes, ego maniacs might not get so lucky next time. Wild critters take care of accidents.

  5. Another person who thinks pointing a gun at someone makes them a man and is the only way to deal with the situation. I understand the frustration of confronting a trespasser, but if they're on a snowboard, they aren't there to hurt you. There are other ways to resolve the situation without bringing in deadly weapons.

    Now, to put this in context… imagine what all the indigenous people felt when these pale invaders came and trespassed on their property…

  6. The resort is negligent in allowing their feral snowboarders to roam onto another property.

  7. Utah's the biggest state and you can go skateboarding just about anywhere but you insist on doing it on this man's property and he does not want you there, if I see a sign no trespassing you can bet I'm not just passing

  8. If im out hunting and cross onto someone's land I will get a trespassing ticket why shouldn't the snowboarder get one for doing the same thing im required to know if im on someone else's property or not just because he's from out of state doesn't give him a pass from knowing the laws

  9. Having a legal firearm on your own property is not illegal people it’s your right to protect yourself and your family. This could easily have gone a more violent way you better thank that man for having good trigger discipline.

  10. If im out hunting and cross onto someone's land I will get a trespassing ticket why shouldn't the snowboarder get one for doing the same thing im required to know if im on someone else's property or not just because he's from out of state doesn't give him a pass from knowing the laws

  11. The first thing that snowboarder said was im sorry he absolutely saw the signs and knew he was trespassing typical California entitled tourist he will rent a boat in the summer and terrorize the fisherman and act like a victim when someone confronts him at the boat dock.

  12. Even though there is no delineating line, the fact that the driveway is OBVIOUSLY thoroughly used should have been a clue to the snow boarder. Also, unless there is a CA law I don't know about, this owner has every right to be on his own property carrying a legally owned firearm. He could have been protecting hkmself from a mountain lion or a bear.

  13. If he didn't know he was on private property why did he say he was sorry as soon as I saw the guy??

  14. Why not have public footpaths with rights-of-way across private property as in the UK? They are marked on official maps and signpostedz. Many are hundreds of years old, since mediaeval times. See YouTube videos of Americans visiting the UK and using them to enjoy the countryside.

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