
Unsealed Mar-a-lago search warrant cites 3 criminal laws


Unsealed Mar-a-lago search warrant cites 3 criminal laws

#Unsealed #Maralago #search #warrant #cites #criminal #laws

A federal court in Florida unsealed the search warrant executed at former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, which cites three different criminal laws. CNN’s Evan Perez breaks down what those laws are and how Trump might have violated them. #CNN #News
criminal law , Unsealed Mar-a-lago search warrant cites 3 criminal laws, latest News,Happening Now,CNN,Donald Trump,mar-a-lago,FBI search

40 thoughts on “Unsealed Mar-a-lago search warrant cites 3 criminal laws”

  1. Since 2016 CNN has been using Nazi propaganda techniques to demonize Trump and his supporters for one reason and one reason only. He beat the Left's darling candidate Hillary Clinton.
    CNN Anchors are not "Journalists," they are ACTIVISTS pushing Leftist / Socialist propaganda on the American public.

  2. Trump and the Republicans aren't a threat to democracy, they are a threat to the swamp……. Democrats are a fake party just like the fake news, both are one in the same…… You better hope you win the house and senate in November, because if you don't investigations are forthcoming…….

  3. Why haven't we heard about what was contained in the boxes that were returned to the National Archives back in June? How was that material different from what was taken by the FBI last week? If Trump was flushing documents down the toilet in DC, presumably incriminating documents, what could these latest documents contain that Trump wanted so desperately to keep in his possession?

  4. will trump use those documents to help him win the 2024 election, maybe by blackmail. With help from putin, he could change the data from voting machine?

  5. Donny always wanted to become a billionaire. He didn’t wanna be President . . but the gang reminded him : “But . . if you’re a president you can make billions.” Jared & Donnie found taking money from Putin, Qatar, Saudi & N. Korea was too easy. Overpaying for 666 5th Ave is proof.

  6. The GOP, its leadership, and supporters are supporting "The deconstruction of American Democracy in the Worlds view, creating an Authoritarian State, looks like Putin and Russia are the winners! Almost 450 years of Experimental Democracy, and it is done by a coup, not by an election by the Citizens!

  7. He put his ex wife body at one of his golf courses to make money….he is a real hard criminal, not worthy to be called ex president!

  8. So, Trump had already complied with a subpoena back in June. Allowed all his docs to be inspected by the FBI at that time. The FBI decided a second subpoena wasn't good enough, had to be a raid with tv coverage orchestrated by the FBI. Did not provide the Trump Legal Team with the search warrant at the time. Did not allow TLT to oversee search. Still, haven't given an inventory of what was taken though it clearly includes docs covered by attorney/client privilege. Which means nothing taken can be used in any sort of criminal proceeding. This is the textbook political witchhunt. Supporting this makes one the textbook lying, pos, bottom feeding, most disgusting, really doesn't deserve to live hypocrite. Enjoy your status.

  9. Wow, boxes of records. Much worse than Hillary hiding thousands of corruption/bribe e-mails. Obama's fast and furious operation that left dozens of US citizens dead. Or a laptop which shows the Bidens have taken huge bribes from China which might have had something to do with why he stole a MILLION barrels of US taxpayer paid for oil and gave them to China, actually, no, not even close. Hmm.

  10. This just made the Teflon PRESIDENT TRUMP stronger,fbi ruined there creditability,Garland and Wray gets your knee pads ready little princesses

  11. Trump must think the Bible is talking about him:. 1 Corinthians 15:52. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye , at the last TRUMP, for the trumpet shall sound , and the dead shall be raised, incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
    EVANGELIST Roger Mansour

  12. Too much of patriotism killed two boys .🇲🇭🇲🇲🇲🇭🇲🇫🇮🇹
    Just now in Tamil Nadu india,
    Today two small boys are battling for life in a hospital here after a electric shock wire touch because these two boys responding a call by India prime minister to hang a national flag 75 anniversary.
    A christian must keep away himself from too much of patriotism.
    Indian PRIME MINISTER modi is advising his people or country to a flag 75 anniversary.( Freedom from British)( but I wish if BRITISH rules even now I might be married or well settled with job or a business or agriculture lands )
    But I am not going to mind it or hang any flags upon my houses ,,
    BECAUSE jesus is my victory flag
    Jesus is my Trumphant flag
    Jesus is our victory flag
    Prayer or righteousness are our weapons.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👍

  13. They missed something important: not only must you have the appropriate clearance level, you must also have a need to know. Need to know is taken just as seriously as the clearance level. Just because I am cleared to access top secret material DOES NOT mean I get to access any bit of material I want.

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