
United States SUES Adobe Over Exploitive Business Tactics (Lawyer Reviews Complaint)


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lawyers near me , United States SUES Adobe Over Exploitive Business Tactics (Lawyer Reviews Complaint)


31 thoughts on “United States SUES Adobe Over Exploitive Business Tactics (Lawyer Reviews Complaint)”

  1. im a Designer and i've always hated Subscription payment to use or get something tbh, but what Adobe been doing for the Last Year is BEYOND disgusting and crazy. no wonder people keep Pirating their Software

  2. i have Windows 10. every time i start up my PC, Adobe demands to be downloaded, but the download doesn't exist

    in 2008, i recognized Adobe as a massive back-door just like Java

  3. Pirating software is wrong

    Except Adobe products

    Pirating Adobe products is always morally correct

  4. I had a Adobe Robohelp perpetual license (pre adobe) and the recently cancelled my account and locked me out of the product and said I had to buy their subscription for the latest version which would cost 50% of the original cost per year so in 2 years I would've been needing to pay that price every few years instead of once 7 years ago. I fought them and provided by purchase and they re-instated it. I was motivated as my company wouldn't pay for that fee for my product every year.

  5. Use a burner cash card when businesses try this sh!t. Then report with the receipt for the declined charge.

  6. The government funds DEI. Why would they sue people that they have on payroll?

    I thought you knew this.

  7. There is another side to this with Adobe where they have been cancelling legally paid for non subscription based accounts under the guise of suspected fraud or used on too many computers without any way to fix it. Just because they want people who are still not on the subscription model to be on it.

  8. This happen to me. To cancel after 6 months was like $120+ but it was $15 a month so I kept it and canceled after 6 months

    Only concern is no penalty will be large enough to determine them from doing it again even 500M is nothing to adobe.

  9. I’m glad to hear they’re getting sued, except it’s for a different reason than I expected. This appears to be about hidden or undisclosed early cancellation fees and does not appear to have anything to do with the fact that they are claiming they can now monitor your private information and content that’s on their servers

  10. I just had a look at the signup page, the terms for the three options is pretty clear.

    The federal government basically does not have a case.

  11. That is wrong, the early termination penalty IS disclosed when you subscribe. I knew about it right from the start when I subscribed. Most people probably just ignored it.

  12. Credit where it's due. Though the BBB being mentioned is hilarious, since it's yalp for boomers that is bought and paid for by the corpos.

  13. SAAS companies take note! This is what happens when the bribes..err… campaign contributions to your in-pocket politicians are not made in a timely fashion. Get those checks to your congressional and executive branch representative(s) in the mail today! Your tireless public servants get cranky when they have to open their own wallets to buy the hookers and blow. Those posh Washington parties aren't going to pay for themselves! One minute you're not paying your campaign contribution bill, the next, they call their DOJs on you.

    "Nice place you got here Adobe, would be a shame if something were to happen to it…"

    Cynicism aside, couldn't happen to a better company. I'm rooting for the gov't on this one.

  14. On the subject of Adobe issues, I noticed that the very unwanted AI Assistant is sitting there in the top right corner. At the time of this reply, there are no settings in the application to allow you to disable the AI functions. In order to get rid of the feature, you have to go to the HKLMSOFTWAREPoliciesAdobeAdobe AcrobatDCFeatureLockDown section in Windows Registry, create a new dword key named bEnableGentech and set it to 0.

  15. Rarely, but they got this right. Go after all the companies with this shit. Maybe Congress could do something useful like laws forcing these big commercial gyms to make canceling as easy as signing up…

  16. Every governmental body uses Adobe, Microsoft Office and Google programs. The fact that Google nor MS have the same kind of BS in their ToS's shows how stupid Adobe thought they could get away with it.

    This is more of a national security issue because it affects Government documents and records. I expect this to go even further than just a simple lawsuit. Adobe may end up being forced to break up due to all of this…probably a huge W for the consumer in the end.

    Tho its sad that it took the FO part of screwing with Uncle Sam before anything like this could be done. Adobe, MS and Google really need to be broke apart…let alone the six major corporations that all have a hand in the news industry.

  17. This is why when I was in school and had an Adobe subscription I opted for the paid upfront annual plan because I could cancel before the renewal date with no issue and still use the software until the next year when the subscription expired. I mean not for nothing but it says "Annual, Paid Monthly" I understood that to mean that I was agreeing to pay for a full year broken up into an installment plan.
    It's like signing a one-year lease on an apartment and paying the rent monthly, if you move out early they keep the security deposit which typically is about two months' worth of rent because that is the average length of time to find a new tenant.
    Of all the things to go after Adobe for this for me isn't it, I mean if the language of the agreement isn't clear enough to meet FTC requirements hit them with a fine and tell them to reword it accordingly.

    How can someone not know they are agreeing to a one-year commitment? What the hell does the term ANNUAL mean!? Annual means one year.

  18. Nah, it's perfectly fine to use Adobe Acrobat to read the details of their lawsuit.

    As far as their graphics software is concerned, I stopped using it before they went into their subscription model. The fiasco with Pantone confirmed my suspicions.

    I currently use GIMP 2.0 as an open-source alternative. Sure it doesn't have the recent AI bells and whistles, but that is a different can of worms.

  19. That is why most game EULA's are not valid. They only ask confirmation after you already paid for it. In my country a EULA is only valid if It is signed before any monetary transfer has taken place, and it cannot be changed AFTER a monetary transfer has been occured.

    for example: all steam games with EULA's that need to be clicked 'Read and Agreed' after installation (thus after payment) have invalid EULA's.

    And for subscription plans: it depends on the period, a monthly subscription means that the EULA can only be changed after the next month.

  20. Unfortunately, I don't see any outcome that will restore my faith in modern commerce. They'll get a negligible fine, and corporate giants will be empowered to eff over their customers.

  21. Now, sue the entire Censorship Industrial Complex, comprising domain registrars, hosting companies, Cloudflare, other Anti-DDOS services, social networking and video sharing sites, payment processors, major banks that "de-bank" people and the ADL for collusive behavior in selective deplatforming, many times also equivalent to tortious interference. Hell, use RICO law against them, too, because together they act like mob enforcers.

  22. 14:53
    Count 1: Not allowing customers to cancel subscriptions, throwing up barriers, delays, and walls to stop people from cancelling – DSTV and Vodafone
    Count 2: Charging customers subscription fees without express informed and written consent – Amazon
    Count 3: Failure to provide a simple cancellation mechanism – DST and Vodafone (again)
    There's probably more companies you can list with these, but those are the ones I have personal experience with.

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