
Unbelievable! Thieves Claim Self-Defense. Are They Justified?


Unbelievable! Thieves Claim Self-Defense. Are They Justified?

#Unbelievable #Thieves #Claim #SelfDefense #Justified

A set of thieves out of Houston are claiming self-defense after their confrontation with the store owner ended in tragedy, but are they justified? Armed Attorneys Richard Hayes and Edwin Walker discuss the events that took place, the self-defense claims, and whether the incident may be seen as justified in the courtroom.

Homeowner vs. Hunter: Viral Video Trespass Breakdown

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44 thoughts on “Unbelievable! Thieves Claim Self-Defense. Are They Justified?”

  1. I know this is a law channel but I want to point something out right now. It is noble to defend your place of business. That being said, it is not noble to chase people down and get killed over a candy bar, a couple of beers, or whatever else these guys stole. There are times when it really does make more sense to just call the cops and let them deal with it. It's not worth your life. Stay safe out there.

  2. If Texas doesn't have the right to keep out mooching illegal aliens, why would a business have any right to keep out shoplifters? Why would the Supreme Court have any right to keep out interlopers that want to steal the red fabric off the walls, or steal the judicial robes from closets in chambers?

  3. Self defense? Defense of what, exactly?
    Taken into context, the thieves are claiming they had the right to steal, that they shot the clerk to defend this right to prey upon the store. In that light I hold that this was the use of deadly force in furtherance of the theft.

  4. Where's the clerk's gun then? Is there evidence the clerk discharged said weapon? GSR? Shell casings in car? I think the clerk made a bad choice in following the alleged thieves, but I suspect they shot first.

  5. Whether they had the right to self defense or not, they started the chain of events that lead to killing the clerk when they chose to steal from his store. Acts like that lead to confrontations and possibly much more.. so yeah, they should take responsibility for what happened and should be thrown in prison because none of this had to happen and the clerk didn't need to die that day.

  6. The clerk did to much, where the car is located makes me think he may have been trying to run them down

  7. The judaio-masonic anti-Christendom usurping "experiment" rejects and substatutes morality of the 10 commandments for judaio-masonic 🥸 corporate legality. Human beings have the former imprinted on their conscience/hearts, the anti-Christendom governance 🥸 assumes and imposes the latter.

  8. Killed over a bag of chips i wonder if the dead clerk would think it was worth it if he had lived. People and their stupid guns

  9. Nope. They carried a gun to a crime. They used a gun during the commission of a crime. The theft was still active. End stop. They have no excuse. That shows planning and intent. This was not mentioned in the video and I feel the biggest point.
    My guess is they drew first – but dead men tell no tales.
    Murder for the guy that fired, felony murder for the accomplice. Especially with it being Texas.

  10. In possession of a firearm while in the posession of a firearm…. They committed a crime while armed.

  11. That was a pretty muddled explanation of what happened, let's say blurred lines!
    In most states, if you use a gun in commission of a crime, it compounds the crime, doesn't lead to self defense…. "Yes, I was stealing that woman's purse, but when that guy pulled a gun to make me stop, i had to kill him in self defense so I could finish my job. It was barely worth it I only got $8 dollars!"

    On the other hand, the fact they were driving away and he followed them, makes it murky. Why did he brandish his gun from the car, when he didn't do it in the store? What good does it do to brandish, if you don't intend on using it?

  12. They Were Not Justified Because They Were In The Commission Of A Crime.

    If You're Committing A Crime (Like First Degree Homicide, Burglary, Robbery, Kidnapping, Or R@pe); You Have No Right To Self Defense.

  13. First thing is things like this minus the gun fire and death has happened in the past example. The shoplifter is stopped by the guard inside of the store. The shoplifter was injured, the shoplifter sued the guard, the guards company, and the store for injuries, loss of wages and emotional distress.

  14. in my opinion, the clerk should have stopped them on the property and not chased them. I have no sympathy for the thieves and they belong behind bars for the rest of their lives. Like my dad always said two wrongs do not make a right. the worst part is now the clerk's family has to go on without him.

  15. I thought if anyone died while you were in the commission of a crime you would be charged with murder. If you're the getaway driver and the police shoot their partner, the getaway driver gets charged with murder.

  16. I thought if anyone died while you were in the commission of a crime you would be charged with murder. If you're the getaway driver and the police shoot their partner, the getaway driver gets charged with murder.

  17. How the hell you call a bag of chips property, and when a theif leaves your store or property before you confronted them I say forget about it. Business tax write off, not worth getting hurt or killed for or getting into a gun fight over a bag of chips. Try explaining that to a jury and judge.

  18. person a & person b knowingly or unknowingly committed crime of theft together. fled the scene together, another crime. which is a continuation of the original crime. if it was popo that was killed instead of store worker, then it would be capitol murder for sure. a citizens detainment or arrest never makes the same standard of enforcement as the govt paid slave known as popo. pesky citens have less value to govt ….

  19. In the very first civilian handgun course I took 20+ years ago, the first thing the instructor said was "If you were ever forced into using deadly force, it's in your best interest there's only one side of the story to tell but, that also works for your opponent." As crappy as it sounds they might have a chance.

  20. If they change their story and say that the clerk shot at them, but no gsr is found on his clothes??

  21. Clerk legl following them. Was clerk armed? Check for prints for presumption if gun belongs to clerk, clerks prints on it. As for Alabama, deadly force for stopping shoplifting seems to be a nogo thing.

  22. Clerk is authorized to pursue, arrest, and recover the stolen property to prevent the consequences of a theft under Code of Criminal Procedure 18.16. If at any point the suspects use or display a deadly weapon then they elevate the theft to an aggravated robbery since "in the course of committing" includes immediate flight after the theft. If I was on the jury I'd likely vote to convict for Capital Murder and give them the needle.

  23. (1) stupid to follow perps, esp over a bag of chips. at most, get the perps' license plate #, go back in store, and call PD
    (2) maybe I watch too much tv, but seems like cops would know whether he discharged his gun (e.g., empty brass on scene); if he pulled gun but didn't fire, the gun would be out rather than holstered)
    (3) minor obviously breaking law if carrying a handgun. seems like an adult perp as well as minor in violation since the gun was carried in the commission of a crime (so even if DA, court or jury wants to accept self-defense, other crimes seem to have been committed besides the shoplifting)

  24. What a messed up case. Someone gets killed over a friggin' bag of chips? How is this reasonable on any level?

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