
UN court hears South Africa case accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza | BBC News


UN court hears South Africa case accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza | BBC News

#court #hears #South #Africa #case #accusing #Israel #genocide #Gaza #BBC #News

The UN’s International Court of Justice is hearing a case brought by South Africa accusing Israel of committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.

The submission also calls on the court to order Israel to stop military operations there.

The ICJ will deliver only an opinion on the genocide allegation as the case is not a criminal trial, although it is being closely watched.

Israel has vehemently rejected the accusation as “baseless”.

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45 thoughts on “UN court hears South Africa case accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza | BBC News”

  1. UN is a terrorist organisation under their aid to build terrorists tunnels under medical and children nurseries 😂🎉

  2. Israel says it only wants to destroy Hamas, but from their words, it seems like anyone is Hamas. Including terminally ill people in hospitals, newborn babies, and now their fellow signatory and global peer, South Africa. What a way to think, while having access to billions in military equipment.

  3. Ingaat kematian NATUERA baik sakit, faktor umur iis looong long looooong.

  4. I don't know why you always complaining about Israel got attacked first buy them Israel's only protecting their own people remember that there were a bunch of baby killers remember that baby killerz

  5. Go and do your research BBC! South Africa is in a reverse apartheid state, there is noooooo democracy. The South African government are terrorists, go and have a look what they have done in the past and are still doing it.

  6. South Africa is commendable and awesome for standing and fighting for an underprivileged people and for humanity. So admirable to be the champion of #democracy! I'm just in awe of that country and its people.

  7. People and children are dying in Gaza and there are daily arrests in the West Bank

    Netanyahu's massacres have not yet been punished

    There is no benefit from the United Nations resolutions or mediations, as it continues to annihilate this people

    If support for him does not stop, he must be condemned until it stops

  8. Genocide and mathematics:

    Hamas killed in 1 day 1,200 Israelis , as much as they could found.
    They would have gone for days but the army stopped them.

    If they have had 100 days
    they would have killed 1.200 *100= 120.000 killed because Jews.

    According to Hamas Israel has killed 24.000 , including the hamas fighters..they do not make distinction .

    Israel with its military strength could have killed, like Hamas would have done ,
    hundred of thousands, if it wanted !!

    Conclusion: the facts prove that this genocide case is political and partial and not based on truth 😢

  9. Whoa.. just google "10.000 dots". That is a awful lots of dots. Each dot was a person. Now double that amount!!!

  10. MEANWHILE IN AFRICA: Sudan, Congo, Niger, Boco Haram, Isis etc. ongoing mass genocide with starvation and machetes

  11. As a black person this is embarrassing. Why South Africa (doormats) African on my Dad's side and Afro Caribbean on my Mother's side Nigeria and St Lucia for all the replies. We should be looking after our own countries

  12. BBC is biased that is why bbc is not covering ICJ hearing completely.
    Obviously deep Zionist pockets 😂.
    Dear corrupt Britisher am i right?

  13. How come I can't find south Africa's full statements? But you're broadcasting every single second of Israel defense? Pretty bias especially when Israel said they like BBC more than al Jazeera journalists. ISRAEL HAS KILLED OVER 100 Al Jazeera journalists during the war

  14. Азраил.государства.не.должна.эти.арабо.палестинские.земли.а.вы.льжицы.

  15. У.вас.господ.нету.вы.безбожникии.у.вас.тора.туфтовый.на.земле.только.единственая.истины.религия.ислам..всевышним.посланы.каран.гитлер.зажог.и.вас.и.вашу..тору

  16. Hms have troops, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday name. They must going to the jail

  17. Hamas have troops name, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. They must going to jail

  18. As an Indian, there should be No two state solution. Just one palestine for palestenians. The west can create a state for jews in europe or in us for the sins of holocoust and anti-sementism.

  19. The death toll in Gaza is comparable to the ghettoes of South Africa where women are routinely raped and butchered.

    Is South Africa commiting genocide against its own suburbs?

    Meanwhile the militias of Gaza City continue to shelter and defend hundreds of Hamas terrorists who are guilty of raping and murdering children.

  20. South Africa is not interested in Palestenians but Ramaphosa is compelled to do this in repsonse the ICJ's warrant of arrest for Putin.

  21. so taking out a terreriorst group is called genocide……BTW, how about SouthAfrica racial segregation history

  22. The number of people I have seen comment about this starting with Hamas and the 7th October and how Israel left Gaza on 2005! Please go and read a book and educate yourself. Even better, watch a documentary atleast 10 years old….there are many! Israel did not leave Gaza in 2005, actually they occupied Gaza from air, sea, and land. Israel bombed Gaza's only airport, it controlled all goods that went in and out of Gaza, including potato chips and sweets, at one point these things were not allowed in at all.

    Facts about the "only democracy in the Middle East"

    Israel is the only country in the world holding children as prisoners of war. Israel Subject Palestinian children as young as 2 years old to military courts!

    Israel has the worlds largest skin bank, despite very few Israeli people donating organs.
    It is reported they take the organs of Palestinians without their consent.

    It is illegal for Palestinians to collect rain water. Rainwater is the property of 'Israel'. Palestinians are forbidden from gathering rainwater.

    Israel has forbidden items to go into Gaza like coriander, chocolate, pasta, Vinegar, crisps, newspapers, sewing machines, jam, books, candles, crayons, fishing rods, glasses, weddings dresses…need the list go on!

    Israel Apartheid on full display!

    In Israel it is mandatory to serve in the Israeli Defence Force (IDF). Anyone who refuses to serve may face imprisonment of up to 200 days and societal pressure.

    It is illegal to take a DNA test in Israel. Israelis are forbidden to buy ancestry DNA kits from the store without presenting a court order.

    Israel dehumanise Palestinians by putting out a rhetoric that they do not care for life and have no dreams or ambitions…when Israel have oppressed them with the siege and made life miserable for them for the past 17 years! What you will see if you follow any journalists who are on ground in Gaza, is that Palestinian's are bright, loving, funny, selfless, intelligent, full or art and culture, have the best medical staff…..journalists and medical staff have been working under tremendous pressure in Gaza as Israel has not let any external journalists or medical staff in. What they have shown us is courage, humanity, love and selflessness. Palestinian's are brave! Palestine is full of people with a huge heart and we can all learn a thing or two from them.

    What you will hear from Israeli children is hatred and songs of Amalek, but from Palestinian children even after thousands have been killed, they leave their fate in Gods hand and ask that God deal with their oppressors.

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